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Recommended Practices & Exams

PEI began publishing technical manuals in 1986 with the introduction of Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems, PEI/RP100. Since then, the association has written several additional manuals and developed online tests for each document.

These heavily researched, peer-reviewed technical documents address the biggest operational issues facing the industry. Recommended practices and procedures are reviewed and revised on a regular basis to reflect the latest technologies and industry trends.

The manuals are used by industry regulators, fire marshals and code officials, as well as industry-related associations. The manuals are available for purchase by anyone with an interest in the petroleum equipment and liquid-handling industry.

Petroleum Equipment Institute Bookstore 

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To learn more about any of the recommended practices, to purchase or to comment on a document, click the links below. 

RP100-20 Installation of UST Systems
RP100-20esp. Instalación Sistemas Almacenamiento Subterráneo
RP200-19 Installation of AST Systems
RP300-19 Vapor Recovery Systems
RP400-18 Testing Electrical Continuity
RP500-19 Design & Maintenance of Motor Fuel Dispensing
RP600-18 Overfill Prevention for ASTs
RP700-20 Design and Maintenance of Lube Systems
RP800-20 Bulk Storage Plants
RP900-21 UST Inspection & Maintenance
RP1000-22 Marina Fueling Systems
RP1100-15 Diesel Exhaust Fluid
RP1200-19 Testing UST Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment
RP1300-20 Aviation Fueling Systems
RP1400-21 Emergency Generator & Oil Burner Fueling Systems
RP1500-15 CNG Vehicle Fueling Facilities
RP1600-21 LNG Vehicle Fueling Facilities
RP1700-18 Tank Closure and Removal
RSP01 Fall Protection and Working at Heights (coming in 2022)