One of the most frequently asked questions with regard to PEI membership is: “What can the Association do for me?” The answer, quite frankly, depends on you.
Why did you join PEI and what do you want to gain? What you get out of any association, including PEI, is directly proportional to what you put in. The greatest benefit of any association is the networking and camaraderie that takes place between members. Time and time again, PEI staff has been privileged to hear that other associations respect the solidarity of our industry and PEI members.
It is no secret that PEI members have an enormous sense of pride in their association and their fellow members. But this benefit is not a given. To experience this camaraderie first hand you must participate by giving an investment of time and effort in PEI activities.
Business consultants say 85% of all business failures occur in firms that are not members of their industry trade association.
There are many benefits that accrue simply from belonging - low cost education and webinars for youremployees; group insurance; direct assistance with business problems; the privilege of meeting withand learning from your peers; conferences, publications and much more. Your greatest benefit—networking and association with your peers—comes only from your direct personal involvement in association activities.
The reason is simple, and it involves the same principles that apply to your business. A businessperson invests money, time and energy to make the business successful. The same holds true for association membership, which will reflect on your business’ long-term success.
The problems facing our industry today affect every member, no matter how large or small. And, since no one individual could possibly begin to solve these problems alone, it remains that each person needs his or her industry trade association for the collective wisdom, bargaining power and networking opportunities that help create a sustainable and successful business.
PEI members vary tremendously in their level of activity and what they seek from the association. Some companies contact PEI staff on a regular basis while others rarely call. Some attendees at PEI meetings are engineers with a technical understanding of how their facilities use petroleum handling equipment; other attendees are less technical with purchasing or management backgrounds. Yet they all find value in PEI membership and find that their businesses are more successful as a result of being part of PEI.
Business consultants say 85% of all business failures occur in firms who are not members of their industry trade association. That combined with the fact that most members have a 500% or more return on membership dues, are two ways to justify the dues you pay as a member of PEI.
The best reason to be part of PEI is that your participation ensures a safer, stronger industry for future generations. For that commitment, we applaud you.