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PEI Benefits

Principal benefits of corporate membership include:

PEI Convention at the NACS Show
PEI’s Annual Meeting and Convention provides a valuable forum for the exchange of industry ideas, and fosters relationships with industry peers and leaders.  This is the premier fuel and fluid handling event of the year. 

Plus, if you submit a membership application within 30 days after the close of the show, PEI will take the extra $200 you paid for the nonmember attendee price and will credit $200 towards your first year dues of corporate membership.  If two people from your company attend the PEI convention, after paying the nonmember delegate price, you'll receive up to $350 off your membership.  Apply for membership today.  

TheTulsaLetter keeps members informed on relevant news, regulatory information and updates affecting the industry and the association.  

Safety Newsletters
Document of safety incidents, along with positive tips and ideas about how to maintain a safe operation environment.

PEI Journal
A quarterly magazine written specifically for PEI members. Each issue offers insightful articles to help your business grow, discover new industry trends and increase efficiencies. What's ahead for the petroleum and energy handling industry? From emerging fuels to new regulations, the PEI Journal offers perspective and answers.

PEI Membership Directory
Published annually, the directory provides a complete listing of members with their contact information, key personnel, and branch locations. The Directory is also available 24/7 via the website here

Young Executive Program
A separate forum created for young business leaders poised to be tomorrow’s owners and managers.

PEI Women
A program providing specific resources for women in the fuel equipment and services industry.

A peer advisory program for distributor, service and construction, and affiliate members' CEOs, owners and managers.

OSHA Guidelines  
PEI condensed lengthy federal guidelines pertinent to the petroleum handling equipment industry.

Public Policy Action & Monitoring
Through PEI’s association with NAW, members have a powerful voice in Washington, D.C. on legislative and regulatory issues affecting our industry.

PEI Distributor Profitability & Statistical Reports
Distribution operational information is regularly collected and reported in a concise format, allowing you to evaluate your own performance in comparison with others in the industry.

The PEI BrandPromoting Member Image & Identity
PEI is a recognized, international name in the energy equipment industry. PEI press coverage and advertising enhances the image for all members. 

PEI Recommended Practices
Highly respected PEI technical manuals and procedures work with industry experts to develop best practices in service, installation, maintenance and testing.

Industry Training Materials 
Educational resources that include the latest reports on wholesale distribution, sales and management.

PEI Freight Management Program 
PEI members can increase profits by lowering administrative and payable expenses through PEI’s endorsed freight management program.

PEI Pollution/Liability Insurance Programs
PEI-endorsed providers offer services such as safety and educational training programs, and professional risk analysis.