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UST Component Compatibility Library

In 2015 EPA published guidance regarding compatibility of underground storage tank (UST) systems with biofuel blends. The guidance discusses how owners and operators who wish to store gasoline containing more than 10 percent ethanol or diesel containing more than 20 percent biodiesel in their UST systems may demonstrate compliance with the compatibility requirement in 40 CFR 280.32. Learn More 

Underwriters Laboratory has developed a fuel compatibility tool to assist manufacturers and fueling stations to meet EPA, state and other code fuel compatibility requirements. UL Fuel Compatibility Tool

Compliance Letters by Manufacturer


Bravo Systems

Brugg Pipesystems

Caribbean Tank Technologies

Containment Solutions


General Industries

Hamilton Tanks

Highland Tank

Icon Containment Solutions

J.L. Houston



Metal Products Company

Mid-South Steel

Modern Welding

Morrison Bros.

National Environmental Fiberglass

NOV Fiber Glass Systems

Nupi Americas


Owens Corning

Petroleum Containment Inc.


Service Welding

Southern Tank


Steel Tank Institute

Tanques Antillanoes


Vaporless Manufacturing, Inc.

Watco Tanks


Western Fiberglass


EPA has determined that owners and operators must demonstrate that the following UST components are compatible with the fuel to be stored:

  • Tank
  • Piping
  • Containment sumps
  • Pumping equipment
  • Release detection equipment
  • Spill prevention equipment
  • Overfill prevention equipment

Manufacturers who would like to be included should email their compatibility statements to Preferred format is Adobe Acrobat PDF. When submitting, please note that your compatibility statement should:

  1. Be on your company letterhead
  2. Be signed by an officer of the company
  3. Include the four elements required by EPA:
    • In writing
    • An affirmative statement of compatibility;
    • Specify the range of biofuel blends with which the component is compatible;
    • Be directly from the equipment manufacturer, not another entity (such as the installer or distributor)
  4. Include complete contact information for the signing officer, in the event a user has questions
  5. Be titled in as clear a manner as possible to help users quickly identify which components are covered in the statement.

Note: Just as a public library collects books without making any judgment on the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness or suitability of any of the volumes it maintains, PEI makes no judgment on the appropriateness, accuracy completeness or suitability of any statement included in the UST Compatibility Library. The Library is simply a repository of what has been submitted.

Please also remember that participation in the Library is voluntary. So, while we’ve worked to encourage as much participation as possible, PEI cannot guarantee that the Library is a complete listing of all approved products.