The annual PEI convention is held in conjunction with the NACS Show. The expo is segmented into five categories: Fuel Equipment & Services, Foodservice, Merchandise, Candy & Snacks, Facility Operations and Technology. Each area of the expo gives you a one-of-a-kind, hands-on experience that can’t be matched anywhere else. All in, the expo square footage hovers around 400,000 square feet. PEI has partnered with NACS since 2002 to assist with the Fuel Equipment & Services area. The exhibition features the latest in fuel marketing and liquid handling equipment and technologies. The show floor consistently sells out year after year. The show rotates between three cities: Las Vegas, Chicago and Atlanta.
View the 2022 Floorplan and Search Available Booths
The 2022 NACS Show (Expo) will be held October 2-4, 2022, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. Exhibit booth rates for the 2022 NACS Show are $37.00 per square foot for PEI members and $51.00 per square foot for nonmembers. Minimum booth size is 10' by 10'. NACS will send the 2022 Exhibitor Prospectus, Floor Plan, Terms & Conditions and Exhibit Space Application Instruction to all PEI Manufacturer Division Members and any PEI member company that exhibited in Chicago in 2021. If your company is interested in exhibiting in the 2022 NACS Show in Las Vegas and has not exhibited in the past two years and would not automatically be sent exhibit information, please forward Julie Shank jshank@pei.org the following information:
- Exhibit booth contact name and email address
- Company name
- Mailing address
- City/state/zip
- Phone number
Booth Costs for 2022
$37.00 per square foot - Member Rate (PEI and NACS Members)
$51.00 per square foot - Non-Member Rate
Minimum booth size is 10' x 10' (100 sq. ft.)
NACS Show exhibit space is assigned in “Priority Points” order based on the following:
Accumulation of Priority Points
Points accumulated are based on the last 18 years of NACS and PEI membership and exhibitor engagement (2004-2021). The Priority Points allocated reward loyal exhibitors and members of both organizations with weighted emphasis on membership and trade show participation.
Point Allocation (Since 2004)
Points have been calculated based on the following criteria:
- 10 points – per year of membership with PEI or NACS (maximum credit for one organization membership)
- 5 points – per NACS Show exhibit year participated. Primary, paid booth contracts only. Co-exhibitors and cancellations do not receive exhibit points.
- Booth size purchased per year (scaled points)
o 8 points – Reserved booth at the 2020 NACS Show (2020 only)
o 3 points – 800+ sq ft
o 2 points – 400-799 sq ft
o 1 point – 100-399 sq ft - 2 bonus points - Participating virtual exhibitors in the 2020 PEI Virtual Convention & Expo (2020 only)
- 2 bonus points - Company employee volunteering to serve on Find Red (maximum of two bonus points per company)
- 2, 4 or 6 bonus points for advertising in the PEI Journal and/or the PEI Directory (based on total dollars spent annually)