June 25, 2020 | Vol. 70, No. 13

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In This Issue
Dear PEI Member:

During the past two weeks, federal agencies, departments and offices overseeing COVID-19 regulations and benefits worked to refine the programs under their purview. Here's a summary of the most important developments, decisions and guidance documents.

Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) decided June 19 to make public information about PPP borrowers. On PPP loans of at least $150,000, the SBA will release borrowers' names, addresses, business types, demographic data, non-profit status, job counts and loan amounts. For loans less than $150,000, the SBA will aggregate all borrowers' loan data and release summaries by industry and business type.

In addition to giving the public a clearer picture of how PPP funds were distributed, the added transparency will allow watchdogs to uncover any fraudulent loans. Individuals and organizations that knowingly made false statements to obtain PPP loans may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.

The SBA also revised the primary PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Form and released an EZ PPP Forgiveness Application Form to simplify the process for certain borrowers.

Finally, the SBA released an interim PPP rule, including guidance on the PPP Flexibility Act, which was signed into law June 5. (See June 10 TL.) The rule makes clear that only 60% of PPP loan proceeds must be used for payroll, down from the original 75% threshold.

OSHA Reopening Guidance. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released a 27-page guide to help businesses slow the spread of COVID-19. "Guidance on Returning to Work" includes strategies for basic hygiene, social distancing, identification and isolation of sick employees, workplace controls, and employee training.

CDC Testing Strategies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released recommendations for testing workers in high-contact essential workplaces after a COVID-19 case has been identified. These settings, according to the guidance, present an increased risk of infection because of such factors as:

  • Lengthy shifts (8 to 12 hours)
  • Close worker contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more)
  • Shared transportation


PEI Convention Early Bird Extended

Florida Pursues Highway EV Charging

CARB Targets Trucks




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EEOC Updates Employer Rights, Responsibilities. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated its guidance on employers' COVID-19-related rights and responsibilities. The updated guidance discusses medical screening, pregnant and older workers, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employees with high-risk family members, and harassment.

Masks in the Workplace. The Department of Labor (DOL) published a series of FAQs about the use of masks in the workplace. The resource explains the differences between cloth face coverings, surgical masks and respirators. It further reminds employers not to use surgical masks or cloth face coverings when respirators are needed. The document also recommends adherence to the CDC's guidance on washing face coverings and explains why masks do not substitute for social distancing.

PEI and NACS have extended the early bird registration deadline for the 2020 PEI Convention and the NACS Show to July 8, the associations announced this morning. The show will be Oct. 11-14 in Las Vegas.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, registration opened one month later than originally planned. The extended deadline ensures that all who want to take advantage of the reduced rate have an opportunity to do so. Attendees save $150 with the early bird discount. Groups of at least five save even more.

For the latest updates on PEI and NACS preparedness plans for Las Vegas, see

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation requiring the Florida Public Service Commission to present an electric vehicle (EV) charging plan for state highways by July 1, 2021.

The Essential State Infrastructure Act is designed to encourage broader EV use in Florida. Most of the state's 4,000 public and private charging stations are in metropolitan areas.

The plan must estimate the effect of increased EV use on Florida's gas tax revenue, which today accounts for almost one-quarter of the state's highway funding.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is expected to require truck manufacturers to cut their production of gas-powered vehicles by more than 50% over the next 15 years.

The mandate would require that zero-emission trucks account for 5% of medium-duty truck sales by 2024 and 55% by 2035.

For heavy-duty vehicles, the zero-emission mandate starts at 9% and will grow to 75% by 2035. Heavy-duty trucks make up some 10% of California's on-road fleet but account for 25% of the state's diesel pollution.

"The level of personal vehicle travel in 22 states is now above where it was before the start of the coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, with overall personal travel in the United States now only 7% off pre-pandemic levels, according to the latest data from research firm Inrix." Oil Express Alert, June 16

"Colombia's central government has released a 2.8 billion pesos ($778,200) financial relief package to rescue thousands of gas stations struggling to survive, reports bcamericas [sic]. Thirteen measures designed by the Ministry of Mining and Energy have now helped some 2,200 gas stations in Colombia. The measures include a 40% subsidy for salaries for up to three months for those retailers that have suffered a 20% reduction in sales. More stations are expected to receive financial aid as the initial package aimed at helping 5,500 sites with a budget of 7.3 billion pesos." PetrolPlaza, June 12

"Lyft Corp. is committing to make 100% of its trips in electric vehicles by the end of 2030. But to get there, it'll need the support of policymakers and automakers, a robust charging network, and most of all, its drivers' cooperation. " The company outlined its approach in a white paper released with the announcement, including plans to leverage its position to negotiate discounts from automakers, push for policies that increase the wider adoption of EVs, and develop partnerships to expand charging networks in the U.S. and Canada, where Lyft operates." Bloomberg Law, June 17

"Branded gas stations are on the decline in the U.S., with brands last year losing an average of five stations for every four stations converted, based on an exclusive OPIS study. In 2019, gas brands converted 2,710 stations but lost 3,202, a net loss of 492 stations. That's about 18% more than the contraction seen in 2018, when the brands added 2,819 and lost 3,237, a net loss of 418 stations. The average brand converted 100 stations and lost 119 stations for a net loss of 19 sites." Oil Express, June 15

promoted Linda Toth to managing director. Toth will oversee all day-to-day Conexxus operations, work with the boards of advisors and directors, and represent Conexxus to NACS members. She most recently was Conexxus' director of standards.

The Fuels Institute named Jeff Hove vice president. Hove has more than 20 years in the transportation sector, most recently as vice president of the Alternative Fuels Council, a NATSO software-based compliance project.

Washington service company.
Anderson Environmental Contracting LLC, 705 Colorado St., Kelso, WA 98626, applied for service and construction division membership. Jill Fowler is project administrator for the firm, which was established in 2000. Anderson Environmental Contracting LLC installs USTs and ASTs, decommissions and executes in-place tank closures and provides complete ground-up fuel station construction. Sponsored for PEI membership by Bob Mathews, Northwest Pump, Portland, Oregon.

Maine installer. Insight, 86 Treadwell Acres, Hermon, ME 00401, applied for service and construction division membership. Rodney Belanger owns the company, which was established in 2018. Insight installs petroleum equipment, dispensers and POS systems, and provides repair, compliance and calibration services. Sponsored for PEI membership by Renee Mackenzie, Bennett Pump Co., Norton Shores, Michigan.


  • Double M Pump LLC, Midland, Texas (distributor)
  • Pultrusion Technique Inc., Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Canada (affiliate)
  • Grace Corry, Sky Eye Measurement, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (operations and engineering)
  • Dennis Patrick McCarthy, Blarney Castle Oil Co., Bear Lake, Michigan (operations and engineering)
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The TulsaLetter is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Richard C. Long, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.