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December 2, 2015 | Vol. 65, No. 22

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In This Issue

Dear PEI Member:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Monday finalized targets for biofuel use for 2014-2016, raising the controversial Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for total renewable fuel to 18.11 billion gallons in 2016, an increase over what was originally proposed in May but far short of the 22.25 billion gallons envisioned by the 2007 statute. The final figure includes 14.5 billion gallons of undifferentiated biofuels (corn ethanol) and 3.61 billion gallons of advanced biofuel.  In addition, the rule sets the 2016 biodiesel volume at 1.9 billion gallons and the 2016 cellulosic ethanol level at 230 million gallons. EPA said it formulated this policy based on more than 670,000 comments from the public.

The Agency has been walking a tightrope between the demands of the ethanol producers, who have generally supported the requirements of the 2007 statute passed by Congress, and the petroleum and refining industries, which maintain that practical obstacles prevent them from blending ever-increasing volumes of biofuels with petroleum fuels. For instance, refiners have argued that blending biofuels in concentrations greater than 10 percent is unsafe because it can damage car engines and the infrastructure that transports, stores and dispenses the blended fuel.

This final rule is important to PEI members and their customers because if the refiners are “encouraged” to significantly increase the amount of ethanol blended into gasoline, equipment listed to store, meter and dispense E15 will be required. According to an analysis by the Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA), however, the blending volumes announced Monday by EPA “are not expected to require the introduction of E15.”      

The finalized rule is likely to trigger a wave of lawsuits from oil companies, ethanol producers and environmentalists that have lobbied on both sides of the controversial policy. Industry analysts expect that any court challenge will prolong and aggravate the uncertainty concerning the country’s biofuel program.

EPA Sets Biofuel Blending Targets

PEI Young Executives Winter Conference

EPA OUST Releases Two New Documents

Oklahoma Proposes UST Rule



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Registration is open for the 2016 PEI Young Executives Winter Conference, February 3-5, 2016, at the Isla Grand Beach Resort in South Padre Island, Texas. The conference opens with a kick-off dinner February 3 and continues with activities and sessions through midday on February 5.

Speakers for the event will be Karen McCullough and Larry Gulko. McCullough is a business speaker who helps organizations and leaders cut through the generational stereotypes by leveraging team strength. Gulko is well known for developing ideas and strategies that build sustainable, leading brands and drive business growth. McCullough will speak on “Change is Good—You Go First” and Gulko will focus on “Strategies to Focus and Build Your Brand.”

The Winter Conference early registration fee is $495 for members of the PEI Young Executives and $595 for nonmembers (nonmember fee includes a lifetime Young Executives membership). Spouses or guests also are invited to attend for $125, which includes planned meals and receptions. These registration fees are valid until December 18, 2015, when the fees increase. To register for the event or to view a detailed schedule for the conference, click here. Questions regarding Young Executives Winter Conference registration should be directed to Sondra Sutton at (918) 236-3967 or ssutton@pei.org.      

Lodging for the Young Executives Winter Conference is $105 per night for hotel rooms and $215 for condos. Reservations can be made by calling (800) 292-7704 and referencing the PEI Young Executives Winter Conference, or online at www.islagrand.com by using the booking code 1602PEISPI. These discounted room rates are available until January 15, 2016.

Membership in PEI’s Young Executive Program is open to full-time employees of any PEI member company who are between the ages of 21 and 45. The cost of a lifetime membership is $100.

EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) has released electronic versions of two new documents associated with the Agency’s recently revised underground storage tank (UST) regulations.

MUSTs for USTs provides the reader with a broad understanding of the recent changes made to the UST regulation, as well as some useful tips to ensure compliance with these requirements. Be aware that this publication, available in draft version since July, has changed since its initial release.

UST System Compatibility With Biofuels provides a detailed overview explaining the 2015 compatibility requirements contained in the federal regulation.

Three additional documents are in the process of being prepared by OUST to help the regulated community better understand the new UST rule: O&M, Straight Talk on Tanks and Field Constructed Tanks/Airport Hydrant Systems. We will let you know when those documents become available.

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) has revised its proposed rules governing underground storage tanks (USTs). The revisions cover such things as walkthrough inspection records, airport hydrant fuel distribution systems, fuel used for ballasting, emergency generator tanks, equipment compatibility, overfill prevention and spill prevention equipment testing, internal tank lining, ball floats, repairs and interstitial space monitoring. For further information, contact Susan Adlamini (s.adlamini@occemail.com)    

Total vehicle miles traveled for the year to date
in the United States is now 3.5 percent higher than last year, putting 2015 on track for the biggest year for growth over at least the last 10 years, according to Tudor Pickering Holt & Co. Travel on all roads and streets increased by 4.3 percent or 10.8 billion miles for September 2015 as compared with September 2014, according to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.
Convenience & Carwash Canada has appointed Eva Chambers as managing editor of the magazine. She can be reached at echambers@convenienceandcarwash.com  or (860) 965-0649.

Calvin Bishop, former president and owner of the company now known as D&H United Fueling Solutions, Inc., has received the 2015 Ray Lynch Community Service award from Allstate Insurance. The award is Allstate’s top national honor recognizing an agency owner for the way he or she gives back and makes a difference in the community. He and his wife Cathy have fostered 12 infants on behalf of Mercy Ministries and Catholic Charities of Tennessee over the last three years. He also serves as his church’s building committee chairman and is actively involved in Habitat for Humanity. Following his retirement from D&H, Bishop moved to Franklin, Tennessee, where he founded Bishop Insurance LLC. Calvin served as president of PEI in 2007.

, based in Wawa, Pennsylvania, is planning to open at least 120 stores in South Florida between 2017 and 2022, reported the CSP Daily News.
Colorado-based Native Roots,
a company that operates a number of medical marijuana facilities, officially opened Gas and Grass, the first-ever establishment in the world that sells gasoline and medical marijuana. The convenience store opened November 7 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Perrin Patrick Rittiner
, service manager for Rittiner Equipment Company, Harvey, Louisiana, died accidentally on Friday, November 27, while on a family vacation in Florida. He was 33. He is survived by his wife Caroline Clare Landry Rittiner; their children Reagan Emelia Rittiner and Perrin Patrick Rittiner, Jr.; his parents, Perrin Raymond and Deborah Wall Rittiner; and siblings, Jamie Rittiner Hufft and Jordan Matthew Rittiner.

Colombia distributor
. EGAVAL EU, Calle 95 No. 9a-08, Bogota, Colombia, has applied for distributor division membership. Daniel Londono is the primary contact for the company, which was established in 1998. The firm represents Aile, Cree, EmcoWheatn, Franklin, Goodyear, HoseMaster and PemcoFL. Egaval sells its products throughout Colombia. Sponsored for PEI membership by Ramiro Gomez Velasquez, GVelasquez, Cartago Valle, Colombia. www.egaval.co
Pennsylvania product development firm. PetroMar Technologies, Inc., 440 Creamery Way, Suite 100, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, has applied for affiliate division membership. Earle Drack is vice president, business development for the firm, which was established in 2011. The company provides contract sensor product development. Sponsored for PEI membership by Kurt Witzgall, VeederR, Simsbury, CT.
Malaysia maintenance and service firm. Malive Sdn Bhd, A-11-07  Plaza Taragon Kelana, Jalan SS6/6, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 47301, Malaysia, has applied for service and construction division membership. Remy Shahrin is director for the firm, which was established in 2013. The company offers preventive and proactive maintenance, plant shutdown and other engineering and mechanical services. Sponsored for PEI membership by David Naylor, Durapipe, Cannock, Staffs, United Kingdom. www.malivepetroleum.com 


  • JJP Petro Service, Santiago, Dominican Republic (S&C)
  • Alpha Techs, Pflugerville, TX (S&C)


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© 2015
Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.