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September 10, 2015 | Vol. 65, No. 17

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In This Issue

Dear PEI Member:

A seven-page special report entitled “Service Stations: Big Changes Coming” appeared in the November 11, 1960, edition of PETROLEUM WEEK.

The report began by stating that service stations in 1960 had shown no basic variation for more than 35 years, but new factors had emerged to force marketers to reevaluate station design, such as:

  • Lube bays had become universally recognized as unattractive; had caused congestion around the islands and in front of the stations; and had created gaping holes that irritated station designers.

  • Submersible pumping equipment had grown to 28 to 30 percent of all pump sales. That permitted a radical design shift from what had become known as the conventional island dispenser.

  • Pump islands and service station exteriors were becoming brighter with the advent of new, more efficient light sources.

  • The high cost of canopies, ranging anywhere from $2,000 to $12,000, caused canopies to fall into disfavor with petroleum marketers.

Another phase of service station design that was being reevaluated in 1960 centered on the basic function of the stations. The thought was to “incorporate nonautomotive products and services into the station to attract motorists.” Among the early adopters:

  • Tidewater and Shell constructed special sheds under which vending machines were housed “in an attractive setting.” Pure and other marketers were setting vending machines on patios adjacent to their stations.
  • Stations along turnpikes would soon become “intimately associated with the restaurant and the gift shop.”
  • Esso Standard Division of Humble Oil & Refining built its Moto-mat station in Gramercy, Louisiana, to provide customers with “an entire battery of vending machines, offering a complete selection of soup, toasted sandwiches, and fruit juice, accompanied by an outdoor dining patio and an air-conditioned ‘lunch-and-lounge’ salon.”

Opposition to Change

Dover to Acquire Tokheim’s Businesses

EPA Publishes Two UST Documents

PEI Convention News

Arizona Prepares To Remove Stage II

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The report concluded by identifying three obstacles that needed to be overcome before petroleum marketers could proceed very far with the reshaping of their service stations. The biggest obstacle, in the opinion of the editors of PETROLEUM WEEK back in 1960, was opposition to change. Many petroleum marketers hesitated to make costly changes that did not promise immediate sales increases. Others were against change because the public wasn’t “ready for it yet.” These marketers were loath to introduce any innovation that would “confuse the motorist.”

Well, we have firsthand knowledge about how all of this played out because that’s the industry we serve. Changes were made, and the industry has prospered as a result. So, what’s the takeaway for PEI members? Simply this: In all aspects of life, there is a need for change. Changes must continually occur in our personal lives, in the industry and in our businesses. This means not only big changes, but also little changes—in work methods, training, routine office procedures, customers, job responsibilities and the like. Changes that account for much of our increase in productivity. Changes that allow us to keep pace with the competition and, hopefully, surpass them. Change must happen—our challenge is to make certain we surround ourselves with people who will embrace it.  

Dover announced September 7 that it has executed an agreement with Tokheim Group S.A.S. to acquire Tokheim’s dispenser and system businesses for EUR 425 million (approximately USD $465 million). The Tokheim businesses will become part of OPW, a business unit within Dover’s Fluids segment. Tokheim’s sales and service divisions are not part of this transaction and will become a stand-alone company remaining with the current owners of Tokheim. The transaction is expected to close early in 2016. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) has released two brochures pertaining to underground storage tanks (USTs), both of which were developed to help UST owners and operators comply with the 2015 UST regulation.

A Brief Guide to the 2015 Federal UST Regulation for Owners and Operators of USTs on Tribal Lands is intended to help owners and operators of USTs on tribal lands meet compatibility requirements in the 2015 federal regulation when storing biofuels—defined as gasoline blends containing more than 10 percent ethanol or diesel blends containing more than 20 percent biodiesel.

Implementation Time Frames for 2015 Underground Storage Tank Requirements was developed by EPA to help UST owners and operators comply with the new federal UST regulation by highlighting the implementation time frames to meet the 2015 UST requirements.

The 2015 PEI Convention Kickoff Breakfast will feature an inspiring presentation by Allison Massari on how perseverance and courage can lead to true accomplishment. Among her many accomplishments and activities, Massari founded the Roger Pepper Programs for Teen Burn Survivors. She also recently appeared in the international documentary film, ReSolve. Hosted by Scott Neil, the head of Special Forces for the U.S. Military in Afghanistan, ReSolve dramatically focuses on the solutions that can come through post-traumatic stress.

The Kickoff Breakfast will be held Monday, October 12 at 7:30 a.m. Tickets for the event can be purchased for $30 by calling PEI at 918-236-3967.

Advance registration for the PEI Convention remains open and saves $150 per person.

EPA is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality related to the removal of Stage II vapor recovery equipment at gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs) in the Phoenix-Mesa area. Specifically, EPA is proposing to approve a SIP revision that eliminates the requirement to install and operate such equipment at new GDFs, and that provides for the phased removal of such equipment at existing GDFs from October 2016 through September 2018. Comments to the proposed plan revision must be received by October 2, 2015. 

Triangle MicroSystems
has moved to 1807 Garner Station Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603. The company’s phone numbers remain the same: 919-878-1880 and 800-334-5548.
Pico Petroleum and its parent company Westex Capital Ltd. have sold their 26 convenience stores, as well as their bulk plants and propane storage yards, to multiple buyers, effectively exiting the petroleum business in south Texas.
ANGI Energy Systems, LLC, has appointed Timothy Boyle director of international sales and business development. Boyle will be responsible for all sales efforts outside the United States and Canada, including Mexico, Central/South America and Asia. Prior to assuming this role, Boyle was Midwest regional sales manager at ANGI.
Don Parker Sales, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has hired Phil Parker as director of operations. Phil Parker, a former member of the PEI Board of Directors, worked for Samson Corporation before joining Don Parker Sales.
Lucas Ford Associates, Inc. has closed its office in St. Petersburg, Florida, and is now headquartered at 455 East Paces Ferry Road NE, Suite 338, Atlanta, Georgia 30305.

Uruguay distributor
. Arpec Uruguay S.A., 5075 General Flores Street, Montevideo, Uruguay 12300, has applied for distributor division membership. Daniel Perchman is general manager for the firm, which was established in 1991. Arpec Uruguay represents ElaflexAR, EmcoWheatn, Gilbarco, TotlConSys, VeederR and Zeppini. Sponsored for PEI membership by Lucy Sackett, Gilbarco, Greensboro, NC.


  • Easyflex, Tustin, CA (aff)
  • UNITI-Kraftstoff GmbH, Berlin, Germany (aff)
  • Go Beyond Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand (aff)


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© 2015
Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.