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August 6, 2014 | Vol. 64, No. 15

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In This Issue

Dear PEI Member:

We have been asked with increasing frequency if PEI has taken a stance on a variety of issues having to do with underground storage tanks, reformulated fuels, weights and measures, EMV and OSHA. The short answer is no.

PEI is not a lobbying organization. We do not employ any registered lobbyists and do not have a legislative committee. The association’s stance has always been fuel and equipment neutral. The PEI Board of Directors has followed this policy for decades because any action taken on behalf of PEI members would tend to help some of our members while hurting others. Furthermore, serving as an advocate for laws and regulations that may benefit some members but hurt our customers is a policy PEI has always avoided.

That’s a very brief explanation about what PEI will not do. But since the mission of PEI “is to be the leading authority and source of information for the fuel and fuel handling equipment industries,” there are a few things that PEI does on the legislative and regulatory fronts that deserve mentioning:

  • We are a member of the National Association of Wholesaler Distributors (NAW) which is a pro-business association in Washington, D.C. They lobby on behalf of business issues that affect the wholesale distribution industry. PEI may co-sign letters with other NAW-member trade associations to members of Congress and federal agencies when potential legislation and/or regulations matter to PEI members.     
  • PEI provides information to Congress and regulatory agencies upon request. Most requests for information have to do with the availability and functionality of equipment, and the cost of particular equipment and services. Information provided by PEI is always gathered and averaged from informal surveys of PEI members. No confidential or proprietary information relating to specific members is ever shared.
  • PEI provides access to all of our information (except member data) to regulators throughout the world free of charge.

U. S. EPA is again extending the compliance period for refiners to meet 2013 renewable fuel standard (RFS) requirements, citing delays in finalizing the 2014 standards.

In a direct final rule issued August 1, EPA said it would extend the deadline for refiners to submit RFS compliance reports until 30 days after the 2014 rule is finalized. EPA previously said refiners would have to show compliance with the 2013 standards by September 30. “This action is being taken because we are still working on the 2014 RFS final standards, and we are taking the time to get them right,” EPA said in an email.

PEI Lobbying Policy

EPA Extends RFS Compliance Period

Service & Construction Managers Conference

PEI Service Manager Networking Groups


In This Issue


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EPA’s proposal for 2014, released last fall, has been highly controversial and taken much longer than the agency originally anticipated to finalize. It would represent the first rollback of the federal standards for both ethanol and advanced biofuels, requiring refiners to blend 15.21 billion gallons of biofuels this year. EPA received more than 10,000 comments on the proposal, many from farmers and biofuel producers who warned that the proposal would erase some gains made in the rural economy and energy independence. At this point it is unclear when EPA will finalize the 2014 rule. A group of senators who met with the White House recently said its release was “imminent,” but EPA has yet to send over the rule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for final review. Consideration by OMB, once it receives the rule, could take at least several weeks.

PEI will sponsor its 2015 Service and Construction Managers Conference March 19-21. In order to develop the most beneficial and relevant program for attendees, PEI needs your help. On average, this Conference brings together more than 100 industry professionals in service and construction management. Serving on the Conference planning committee is an excellent opportunity to put your expertise to good use, help the association and gain greater value from your PEI membership.

If you are interested in serving on the committee responsible for planning the Conference, contact Bob Young at PEI byoung@pei.org (918-236-3966) no later than Wednesday, August 27. All committee meetings will be held via conference call. Planning committee members are expected to register and attend the Conference.  

Modeled after PEI’s highly successful 10-Groups program for company owners and managers, these new networking groups will provide a forum for service managers to brainstorm, share knowledge, problem solve and generate new ideas. To join, members must be responsible for managing service department work and personnel. There is no additional fee to participate in a PEI Service Manager Networking Group. For more information visit our website, or contact Bob Young at byoung@pei.org or 918-236-3966.

Freedom Electronics, LLC
, Kennesaw, Georgia, has named Matt Jenkins vice president of sales and marketing. He will report to Rod Smith, president of Freedom Electronics.
The Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America (SIGMA), Washington, D.C., announced July 31 that executive vice president Ken Doyle has decided to leave SIGMA after 34 years to pursue other opportunities. SIGMA has formed a transition team that is charged with identifying Doyle’s successor.
OMNTEC Mfg., Inc., Ronkonkoma, New York, has contracted with Rocky Mountain Rep Agency and The Boston-McDermott Group to represent OMNTEC in the Western United States.

Robert A. Becker
, owner of Becker Aviation Specialists, passed away June 29 after a short battle with cancer. He was 86. Bob spent his career working in aviation, his lifelong passion. He founded Becker and Associates in 1969 and started Becker Aviation Specialists after he left Becker and Associates in 2012. He is survived by his wife, Mary Lou; daughter Polly (Doug) Kerkman; son Jay (Robin); daughter Nancy (Brian) Olson; three stepchildren; and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his former wife, Shirley, in 1996.
Donald Johnson, former chair of the National Fire Protection Association’s Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code Committee and the Technical Committee on Automotive and Marine Service Stations, died July 14. He was 93. A chemical engineer by training, he worked 37 years in the petroleum industry. He is survived by his son and daughter and was preceded in death by his wife. Don was one of the best chairs I have had the pleasure to work with in any capacity. He was fair, knowledgeable and always able to add some humor to otherwise bland proceedings. 
Al Villareal, an employee of Coleman Hanna Carwash Systems LLC, was involved in a car accident July 20 and did not survive.

Tennessee distributor
. Phillips Sales and Service Inc., 1772 Beersheba Road, McMinnville, Tennessee 37110, has applied for distributor division membership. Dave Brown is vice president of the firm, which was established in 1948. The company represents Bagby, Bennett, Catlow, CentralIl, ESCO, Franklin, LSI, ModernWeld, NewberryTk, PemcoFL, PMPCorp, RDMElec, TMS and Tuthill. Phillips Sales and Service also services petroleum equipment. Sponsored for PEI membership by Lucas Ford, LucasFord, St. Petersburg, FL.
Compliance documentation software provider. No Violation, Inc., 1325 Howard Avenue, Number 525, Burlingame, California 94010, has applied for affiliate division membership. E. Tabet is founder and CEO of the firm, which was established in 2010. The company provides cloud-based software for the storage of compliance documents. Sponsored for PEI membership by Eddy Tabet, TEC, South San Francisco, CA. www.noviolation.com
Georgia architectural and engineering firm. Robertson Loia Roof Architects & Engineers, 3460 Preston Ridge Road, Suite 275, Alpharetta, Georgia 30005, has applied for affiliate division membership. Alison R. Daughtry is fuel project manager for the firm, which was established in 1980. The company provides design services in architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, civil, structural and MEP engineering. Sponsored for PEI membership by David L. Jones, Galloway, Greenwood Village, CO. www.rlrpc.com
California installation and maintenance firm. George Bryant Construction Inc., 9333 Golden Street, Alta Loma, California 91737, has applied for service and construction division membership. Ronald Franklin is project manager for the firm, which was established in 1989. The company installs, maintains and tests aboveground and underground fuel storage systems. Sponsored for PEI membership by Pablo Fuerte, PFServices, Upland, CA.
Dominican Republic service company. Petro y Mas, C/Romulo Betancourt #1370, Local 2D, Santo Domingo, Districto Nacion, Dominican Republic, has applied for service and construction division membership. Rafael Enrique Mota Luna is president of the firm, which was established in 2009. The company installs and services equipment at fueling stations and convenience stores. Sponsored for PEI membership by Oscar Ramirez, Bolivar, Miramar, FL.


  • Eduardo Cantu Garcia, GYBSACO, Santa Catarina, NL, Mexico (O&E)


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© 2014
Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.