February 7,
2013 | Vol. 62, No. 03
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Dear PEI Member: The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) is the trade association that represents the wholesale distribution industry. Its members include more than 100 national line-of-trade associations that represent virtually all products that move to market via wholesale distribution. PEI has been a member of NAW since the 1960s. The chief staff officers that work for NAW member trade associations gather twice a year to discuss issues affecting their members and associations. We spent a substantial amount of time during our January meeting talking about the problems that keep distributors up at night. Four issues came up time and again. Distributors in other industries are increasingly concerned that:
These issues represent a profound and fundamental challenge to the risk-adverse, tactically focused owner/operator distributor that represents the bulk of distributors in the United States. While we can't be certain if PEI distributors would respond in a similar manner when asked what problems keep them up at night, the PEI staff and elected leadership will be listening to understand your challenges and seek ways the association might help address those problems.
PEI's BULK PLANT INSTALLATION DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED PEI will follow the same procedure in revising RP800-08 that has been used with updating other PEI recommended practices. If you have suggestions or recommendations for improving RP800-08, submit them online at www.pei.org/rp800. Instructions for completing the form are provided on the website. PEI members, regulators, tank owners, insurance companies and trade
associations are encouraged to submit comments. All comments must be received
at PEI by Monday, March 18, 2013, to be considered by the committee. If you
have any questions or need further information, contact Bob Young at
byoung@pei.org or 918-236-3966. |
Update: PEI's Service & Construction Manager's Conference
by e-mail to the editor, Robert Renkes at rrenkes@pei.org or join the discussion in the Petroleum Equipment Forum to unsubscribe or change preferences see below. |
SERVICE AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S CONFERENCE UPDATE Add Central Illinois and Gilbarco Veeder-Root to the list of companies sponsoring PEI's Service and Construction Manager's Conference. Other sponsoring companies include Esco Services, Husky Corporation, Morrison Bros. Co., OPW Fuel Management Systems, PMP Corporation, RDM Industrial Electronics, Samson Corporation and Universal Valve Company. If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor, contact Bob Young at byoung@pei.org. NCWM INTERIM MEETING REPORT For more than a year, an NCWM committee has been working on requirements for displaying various types of post-purchase pricing discounts at the pump and on receipts. At the January meeting, representatives from Gilbarco and VeriFone presented details on the way dispensers and POS systems handle fuel discounts. The committee expects to provide proposed examples of retail receipt formats and other guidelines by April of this year. Other proposals presented in Charleston included adding a new compressed natural gas (CNG)-to-diesel equivalence measurement―much as CNG measurements are now often expressed in "gasoline gallon equivalents"; a requirement for 10-micron filters on diesel dispensers; and additional identification on gasoline nozzles to prevent misfueling. All three proposals generated a good deal of discussion during the open hearings, but none were deemed ready for a vote at NCWM's annual meeting this summer. One of the most discussed items involved the elimination of 85-octane gasoline. Automotive manufacturers are anxious to purge this offering from the retail station. They currently must design engines to tolerate such low octane gasoline even if the vehicle's specification calls for a higher grade. But refiners and retailers in mountain states remain reluctant to give up their most popular grade. This proposal will likely continue to generate both interest and discussion. The NCWM annual meeting is scheduled for July in Louisville, Kentucky. PEI will be present to monitor votes and other actions of interest to our membership. BRIEFLY NOTED US COURT THROWS OUT CELLULOSIC BIOFUEL TARGET EPA TO DROP PLAN FOR DIRECT FINAL RULE FOR 2013 RFS? MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS ADMITTED TO PEI
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© 2013 The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members. |