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July 9, 2012 | Vol. 62, No. 14

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In This Issue
Dear PEI Member:

It has been a busy summer at PEI as far as the association's recommended practices are concerned. Here is an update.

CNG Equipment Installation (RP1500). PEI is soliciting individuals who would like to serve on the committee responsible for writing PEI's Recommended Practices for the Installation of CNG Refueling Facilities (PEI/RP1500). The document will cover the design, construction, installation and testing of containers, pressure vessels, compression equipment, and associated structures and equipment for the storage and dispensing of compressed natural gas (CNG) as a vehicle fuel in fleet and public dispensing operations.

All members of the committee will be expected to attend three two-day meetings over an 18-month period, beginning early next year. While committee members pay their own travel expenses, PEI pays for the meals during the meetings. Only individuals having relevant experience with CNG refueling systems should apply. Those people interested in serving on this committee should contact Bob Young by July 31 to volunteer or learn more. All interested individuals should include a brief statement describing their experience with these systems and explaining why they are interested in serving on the committee. All appointments to the committee will be made by PEI President Joey Cheek. 

Emergency Generator Installation (RP1400). Members who have an interest in serving on this new committee were asked in the last newsletter to contact Chris Bouldin at PEI So far, 29 members have indicated a desire to serve on the committee. The overwhelming response to our solicitation means that Joey Cheek, 2012 PEI President, will not be able to appoint everyone to the committee who volunteered to serve. Having said that, if you want to serve and have not indicated your interest to us, we want to hear from you. July 13 is the deadline.

Aviation Fueling Systems (RP1300). A draft of the documentRecommended Practices for the Design, Installation, Service, Repair and Maintenance of Aviation Refueling Systemswill be sent for final approval later this month to the technical committee responsible for the recommended practice. We expect the draft to be available for public comment early September.

Testing and Verification of UST Equipment (RP1200). PEI's Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities is in the final approval process. It should be available for purchase by mid-August, barring any unforeseen snags. RP1200 will be reviewed at the PEI convention by committee member Kevin Henderson.

Update: PEI Recommended Practices

Oil Company Litigation

AMEX Joins the Crowd Going EMV Route

In This Issue

If you’re planning to attend the PEI Convention at the NACS Show in Las Vegas, don’t miss out on the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars by registering before July 31. Register online and reserve housing now to take advantage of early-bird registration rates and ensure the best housing options.

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Exxon Mobil Corp.
will pay $7 million to settle litigation relating to the contamination of the water supply of Pascoag, Rhode Island, by methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) more than a decade ago. Under a settlement agreement approved by a Rhode Island superior court judge, the company will pay $5 million to the utility district of the town of Pascoag and $2 million to its residents. Under the terms of the agreement, Exxon Mobil did not admit "any liability or wrongdoing of any kind." 
Montana has sued ConocoPhillips and 17 related companies for alleged fraud in collecting almost $5.5 million in state funds while also collecting $286 million from insurers to clean up contamination from leaking underground storage tanks. State law and Montana Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board policies require that companies inform the state if they have environmental liability insurance, and must tell the state, and reimburse it, if they receive insurance payouts. The complaint filed by the state claims ConocoPhillips and its related companies never did so.

American Express said that it is joining the other major credit card companies in requiring merchants to adopt payment systems that could accept cards embedded with EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) chips by October 2015. Merchants may face greater liability for card-related fraud if they don't meet the deadline. Fuel merchants have until October 2017 before they could be liable for certain types of fraudulent transactions generated from automated fuel dispensers. Visa, MasterCard and Discover announced plans within the last 12 months to move toward secure-chip technology.

The California Energy Commission
has approved more than $35 million in funding for projects to advance the development of alternative fuels and vehicles. Of this amount, $10.1 million was awarded to Propel Biofuels Inc. of Redwood City, California, to install E85 fueling facilities at existing gasoline stations statewide.
The Nebraska Corn Board
recently allocated money in its 2012-13 fiscal year to fund a grant program that will award qualifying retailers $30,000 for the first blender pump (including installation) and $10,000 for a second pump. The maximum grant allowed per retail site is $40,000. Grants are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Once funding is exhausted, retailers will be placed on a waiting list and awarded grant money in the order applications were received if additional funding becomes available. For more information about the grant program or to request a grant application, contact Kim Clark at or phone 402-471-2676.

VITAL Fuel Systems
is the new name for the Apex, North Carolina-based company formerly known as Petroleum Equipment Solutions, Inc. The company changed its name to better reflect its focus on commercial projects, specializing in generator and boiler fuel systems.
Petroleum Solutions, Inc. (PSI), Houston, Texas, has added David Freeborn to its team. He will serve as the branch manager of PSI's Houston office. Phone:281-449-4027.  

Pennsylvania construction management firm
. RJP Consulting Group, LLC, 112 East Lancaster Avenue, Downingtown, Pennsylvania 19335, has applied for affiliate division membership. Robert Peppelman is president of the firm, which was established in 2005. The company offers management from site inspection to completion. Sponsored for PEI membership by Stephen J. Tyree, TyreeOrg, Farmingdale, NY.
New Zealand project management group. Sinclair Knight Merz, P. O. Box 10 283, Wellington, New Zealand, has applied for affiliate division membership. Daniel Bradley is project manager for the firm, which was established in 1998. The company provides consulting and project management services to oil companies. Sponsored for PEI membership by Lucy Sackett, Gilbarco, Greensboro, NC.
United Kingdom fuel testing firm. Conidia Bioscience Ltd., Bakeham Lane, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom TW20 9TY, has applied for affiliate division membership. James Leslie is director of business development for the firm, which was established in 2000. The company develops, manufactures and markets fast, onsite tests for the detection of microbial contamination in fuels. Sponsored for PEI membership by Steve Purpora, PurporaEng, Saukville, WI.  


  • T Y Lin International, Coral Gables, FL (aff)
  • Pro Flow Dynamics, LLC, Corona, CA (aff)
  • Walton Engineering Inc., West Sacramento, CA (S&C)
  • Jay Alsbury, South Tahoe Public Utility District, South Lake Tahoe, CA (O&E)
  • Ignacio Salas Canitrot, AGRISER SAC, Lima, Peru (O&E)
  • Manual A. Hermina, Chevron, San Juan, Puerto Rico (O&E)
  • Sebastian Salas, AGRISER SAC, Lima, Peru (O&E)



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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.