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February 9, 2012 | Vol. 62, No. 03

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In This Issue
Dear PEI Member:

Delegates to the interim meeting of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), held late last month in New Orleans, discussed nearly a dozen issues of importance to PEI members and their customers. A few issues will go forward as voting items at the NCWM Conference in July; most were not ready for "prime time" and will require more work before they are considered once again.

Six proposals to amend the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 section on Liquid Measuring Devices related to price posting. The six were merged into one item, which has been designated for a vote in July. The proposals include language that:

  1. Updates specifications to address current marketing methods for offering discount pricing beyond simple cash/credit pricing;
  2. Allows greater flexibility in the way consumers can select a unit price to accommodate new technology;
  3. Provides an exemption from the money values agreement requirement when the dispensing system offers post-delivery discounts that result in total price indications different than those indicated on an auxiliary element;
  4. Ensures that fuel dispensers provide receipts with sufficient information to allow customers to fully understand any post-delivery discounts and to allow the use of electronic as well as printed receipts;
  5. Provides realistic requirements for displaying or posting unit prices in consideration of the discount marketing practices being offered to consumers; and
  6. Provides adequate information on the consumer receipt to allow the customer to verify all applicable discounts.

Other action taken at the interim meeting in New Orleans included:

  • Meter provers. NIST will form a work group at some later date to address differences between verification results of meters using vapor capture prover apparatus and verification results using non-vapor capture proving apparatus, such as open-neck provers.
  • Dispensers of electricity. NIST will eventually form a work group to create a method of sale to support uniformity in retail sales of electricity as a vehicle fuel.
  • Biodiesel blends. A Biodiesel Disclosure Task Group formed in 2011 continues to study a proposal that would remove the exemption for declaration of biodiesel content on product transfer documents for biodiesel blends up to 5 percent.
  • Diesel nozzles. The NCWM Conference in July will vote on a proposal to amend NIST Handbook 130 to establish the minimum nozzle spout diameter for diesel nozzles at 0.93 inches to prevent accidental misfueling. An attempt to color-code diesel nozzles failed to garner enough support to move forward as a voting item.
  • E15. The Laws and Regulations Committee will continue to work on language with the hope that NCWM will be in a position to vote to recognize E15 in NIST Handbook 130 at the NCWM 2012 annual conference.
  • Pump labeling. The NCWM will vote in July to amend NIST Handbook 130 to recognize and include EPA's mandatory pump labeling requirements included in EPA's July 25, 2011, Misfueling Mitigation rule.
  • Diesel filters. The Fuels and Lubricants Subcommittee will gather more information on a proposal from the Missouri Department of Agriculture to require diesel and biodiesel to have a 10 micron or smaller nominal pore-sized filter. This issue will not be voted on at NCWM's July conference.

NCWM Interim Meeting Report

PEI To Sponsor Two Additional CNG Courses

Obama and
Natural Gas

Natural Gas Fuel Incentive Bill

In This Issue



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All committee reports will be posted on the NCWM website around mid-March. Those reports will include the exact wording of each proposal. We will make them available to you then. In the meantime, if you have questions about any of the NCWM's actions described above, call Bob Renkes at PEI (918-236-3960) or email

Since PEI's CNG Fueling Station Design and Construction Course in Las Vegas sold out within weeks, PEI has planned additional courses for Chicago (May 9-10 at Rosemont/O'Hare) and Baltimore (May 15-16 at Baltimore-Washington Airport). These will be the last two CNG station courses offered this year and are expected to sell out quickly. If you want to attend be sure to register online as soon as possible. Contact Sondra Sutton for registration questions (918-236-3967) or email

During a speech on September 26 in Las Vegas, President Obama sketched out a plan to encourage the use of natural gas as an alternative fuel to power the nation's long-haul trucking fleet. Through subsidies and tax breaks, the President hopes to spur the creation of a network of natural gas refueling stations. The stations would, in theory, encourage trucking companies to take a tax break by either converting or buying trucks fueled by natural gas instead of diesel fuel. According to a White House Fact Sheet, the President's plan includes:

  • Proposing new incentives for medium- and heavy-duty trucks that run on natural gas or other alternative fuels;
  • Launching a competitive grant program to overcome the barriers to natural gas vehicle deployment;
  • Developing transportation corridors that allow trucks fueled by liquefied natural gas to transport goods; and
  • Supporting programs to convert municipal buses and trucks to run on natural gas, and to find new ways to convert and store natural gas.

U.S. Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) unveiled legislation February 5 to speed the transition to natural gas as a vehicle fuel. Casey's Natural Gas Energy and Alternative Rewards (NGEAR) Act would create a rebate program as incentive for localities to buy natural gas powered buses, and extend tax credits for establishing natural gas filling stations and vehicle fuel. Specifically, NGEAR would:

  • Offer a 30 percent rebate, capping at $15,000, to businesses and local governments to buy natural gas fueled school and transit buses;
  • Extend the alternative-fuel tax credit of 50 cents per gallon through 2016. This credit would go to consumers who drive natural gas fueled and alternative fuel vehicles; and
  • Extend the tax credit for installing commercial natural gas refueling infrastructure through 2016, up to 30 percent or $30,000.

The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) regulatory agenda
released January 20, 2012, indicates that EPA plans to release its final rule defining "widespread use" for purposes of eliminating Stage II vapor recovery requirements in June 2012.
TravelCenters of America LLC has completed the installation of bulk diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dispensers at 62 of its TA and Petro Stopping Center branded locations. The company said that it expects to have on-island bulk DEF dispensers at substantially all of its 165 locations before the end of this year.
Pilot Flying J
currently has 221 locations with DEF dispensers. Pilot Flying J operates approximately 550 truckstops and travel centers in 47 states and eight Canadian provinces.
Nearly two-thirds of consumers (63 percent) rated price as the most important reason why they select a particular location for fueling, more than triple any other reason.2012 NACS Consumer Fuels Report.
The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology approved a bill (H.R. 3199) on February 7 that requires EPA to coordinate with the National Academy of Sciences to comprehensively assess scientific and technical research on gasoline blends with 15 percent ethanol (E15) before such fuels may be approved for consumer use. The Committee approved the bill by a vote of 19-7.
The Washington Department of Transportation has installed the first of a series of electric car charging stations along Interstate 5, dubbed the West Coast Electric Highway, which will link British Columbia in Canada with Oregon. Nine charging stations in Washington and eight in Oregon are scheduled for completion by March. Plans to extend the electric highway into California are on hold because of funding problems.

Petroleum Parts Inc.
, Fort Wayne, Indiana, has hired Bradley Minor as senior account manager. Minor was previously president of B & D Sales.
OPW Fueling Components, A Dover Company
has named Ed Kammerer western regional sales manager and Steve Stewart Canada sales manager, effective February 6. Kammerer is responsible for all sales-related activities and sales personnel in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, and all states west of the Mississippi River with the exception of Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. Stewart is responsible for all sales-related activities across Canada and will also serve as district manager for Eastern Canada.

Hawaii. A bill to repeal the ten percent ethanol by volume requirement for gasoline sold in Hawaii for use in motor vehicles has been introduced in Hawaii's House of Representatives. The bill was referred to the Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection on February 2.  

Ray Swonger
, president and founder of R-J Sales & Associates Inc., Greensboro, Georgia, died February 1 after suffering a severe stroke the week before. He was 79. Ray founded R-J Sales & Associates in 1984 and worked in the business with his son, Jeff, and daughter, Jill Rabb. He also is survived by his wife, Joan. Ray will be remembered as a person who truly loved the industry and its people. 


  • A. Phelps Petroleum, Lynn Haven, FL (dis)
  • Pumptech Service and Maintenance Limited, Red Deer, Alberta (S&C)
  • Berg Engineering Co. LLC, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (aff)
  • Darin Knowlton, ExxonMobil, Bristow, VA (O&E)


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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.