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September 20, 2011 | Vol. 61, No. 19

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In This Issue
Dear PEI Member:

Here are some last-minute notes regarding the PEI Convention at the NACS Show, October 1-4, in Chicago.

Registration. If you haven't registered for the PEI convention, you can save money by registering no later than Friday, September 23. This is the one time a year that you can attend educational sessions dealing with the industry's biggest issues and opportunities, visit over 500 petroleum equipment and services-related exhibit booths, and network with your peers from around the world. For more information or to register, click here.

Badges. All badges for the convention were mailed Monday, September 12, to those in the United States who registered by August 31. All members located outside the United States and others who registered after August 31 can pick up credentials beginning Saturday, October 1, at 7:30 a.m. at McCormick Place. Contact Sondra Sutton ( if you registered by August 31 and have not yet received your badge. 

PEI 1-on-1. PEI is providing an opportunity for members to meet with industry experts and/or PEI staff in an informal setting conducive to getting answers on a variety of topics. Five time slots a day; one hour for each topic. Got a question on tax planning or social media? Want to talk with Mark Barolo from EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks? Interested in meeting with the person who will conduct the PEI Safety Audit (see below)? Have questions about electric vehicles, the PEI Journal, volunteering for a committee or anything about the industry? We'll see you at the PEI 1-on-1 pavilion right next to the PEI registration area. Visit our website for a complete schedule.

More than two dozen organizations―including air quality control districts, petroleum marketing groups and PEI members―filed comments on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) July 15, 2011 proposed rule entitled "Widespread Use for Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery and Stage II Waiver" (see 7/15/11 TL). While almost all those submitting comments expressed support for EPA's efforts to determine the date of widespread use of onboard refueling vapor recovery (ORVR) throughout the motor vehicle fleet and to provide a waiver of the Stage II requirements―thereby allowing states the option of removing their Stage II program requirements―many organizations pointed out that the rule could limit the elimination of Stage II requirements in certain areas and delay its implementation in others. Here are the main issues raised by many of the comments:

PEI Convention Update

Stage II Vapor Recovery Comments Filed

Update: PEI UST Component Compatibility Library


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  • EPA guidance regarding the implementation of the rule throughout the Ozone Transport Region (OTR). Under Section 184(b)(2) of the Clean Air Act, all areas in the OTR, which stretches from Virginia to Maine and includes approximately 15,937 retail fuel outlets, must adopt (or maintain) Stage II controls or achieve emission reductions "comparable" to those achieved by the Stage II program. EPA has indicated through a prior interpretation that in calculating comparable reductions, states cannot count federally mandated programs such as the ORVR program. Therefore, commenters suggest, OTR states may not be granted any relief from Stage II requirements under this proposal and remain subject to redundant regulatory requirements. In their comments to EPA, most organizations urge the agency to revisit and revise its interpretation to allow ORVR to be considered comparable to Stage II in the OTR. (EPA has indicated that it will issue new guidance to the OTR upon promulgation of the rule. Commenters urged EPA to release its guidance prior to the promulgation of the Widespread Use Rule and to provide an opportunity to comment before it is finalized.)  
  • Revision of State Implementation Plans (SIPs). Under EPA's July 15, 2011 proposal, EPA would require individual states to submit State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions to the EPA in order for the Stage II waiver to take effect. In their comments, petroleum marketer groups urged EPA to make the waiver self-effective, so that the Stage II requirements would be eliminated automatically on June 30, 2013―the date EPA proposed to find ORVR systems to be in widespread use.
  • New fuel outlets built from issuance of the final rule through June 30, 2013. Petroleum marketer groups asked EPA to exempt newly constructed sites from being required to install Stage II equipment since its mandatory use would be unnecessary after June 30, 2013.    

Industry observers expect EPA to issue its final rule either at the end of this year or at the beginning of 2012. I think it likely will be issued near the end of the first quarter of 2012.

PEI's UST Component Compatibility Library now has letters from nine manufacturers. The library was created to provide UST owners, equipment distributors, fire marshals and UST systems installers with a central place to review manufacturers' statements of compatibility (>E10 and/or >B20). Manufacturers with statements posted through September 19 include Acterra, Ameron International, Bravo Systems, Containment Solutions, Metal Products Company, Mid-South Steel, Modern Welding, Service Welding and Vaporless Manufacturing.

If you do not see a statement from a certain manufacturer on our website, do not call PEI; contact the manufacturer directly. We post the statements shortly after they are received. Email your statements to PEI at

Nothing is more important than building a safe work environment. And yet, few distributors can afford a full-time safety manager or keep up to date on every new wrinkle and requirement.

As an industry service, PEI is now offering confidential safety audit services to help distributors in the United States evaluate—and improve—their safety programs and performance. Each safety program audit includes a written review of company health and safety philosophies, training programs and facilities, as well as written corporate safety policies, chemical inventory sheets and various forms required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The audit will take approximately two weeks to complete. Distributors of all sizes are invited to participate.

The safety audits are conducted by PEI Business Advisory Group member Art Sodermark, training director and lead instructor for Clermont, Florida-based Platinum Engineering & Safety. Thanks to partial underwriting by PEI, the cost to PEI distributor members is only $400. For nonmembers, the cost is $745.

U.S. distributors who would like more information or are ready to initiate a safety audit may click here. Further questions about the program can be directed to Chris Bouldin at (918) 236-3964 or

SouthEastern Petroleum Systems
, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, has hired Jon Collins as an inside contact to support its field sales department. He has worked eight years in the industry as a service technician, installer, purchasing agent, and with inside and outside sales.
Tanknology Inc., headquartered in Austin, Texas, has announced that Cord Lomauro has joined Tanknology as sales manager for the company's southeast region. Based in Tanknology's Atlanta-area office, Lomauro will oversee customer relationships in the southeastern United States.
OPW Fueling Components, a Dover Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, has announced that Phil Carlin will take over responsibility for OPW Latin America. Carlin will do this in addition to fulfilling his current role as general manager of OPW's Fuel Management Systems business unit in Hodgkins, Illinois.

Seneca Companies
, based in Des Moines, Iowa, has acquired petroleum service provider MidSouth Petroleum, LLC, of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Chris Haggard will serve as branch manager. Seneca Companies currently has locations in Des Moines and Davenport, Iowa; Denver, Colorado; Oreana, Illinois; Kansas City, Missouri; South Sioux City, Nebraska; and Baldwyn, Mississippi.

Michigan manufacturers representative
. T. L. Stinson Associates LLC, 18 Barbour Lane, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304, has applied for affiliate division membership. Terry L. Stinson is president of the firm, which was established in 1999. The company is a manufacturers representative in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Sponsored for PEI membership by Kirk N. Mercer, MercerCo, Jackson, MI.
Ohio service and construction firm. Refuel Environmental Services, LLC, 4280 Groves Road, Columbus, Ohio 43232, has applied for service and construction division membership. Ted Green is the manager of the firm, which was established in 2005. The company cleans USTs and ASTs for service stations and petroleum construction companies. Sponsored for PEI membership by Steve Thickstun, AdvFuelOH, Columbus, OH.
Pennsylvania service station equipment installation and service company. B & D Petroleum Service, 210 Matthew Drive, New Oxford, Pennsylvania 17350, has applied for service and construction division membership. Steven Shelley is the owner of the firm, which was established in 2009. The company builds service stations and installs equipment. Sponsored for PEI membership by Jeff Brooks, SpiglerEqp, Hagerstown, MD.


  • AET Compliance LLC, Dothan, AL (aff)
  • Vanpek Enterprises Beijing Inc., Beijing, China (aff)
  • Beebe Fuel Systems, Inc., Livonia, MI (S&C)
  • Trinidad Tank & Fuel Services Limited, Chaguaramas, Trinidad (S&C)


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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.