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December 8, 2010 | Vol. 60, No. 24

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In This Issue
Dear PEI Member:

The 2011 edition of the Petroleum Equipment Institute's Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems (PEI/RP100) will be released during the first full week of January. You can order this latest edition at Price is $40 for members; $95 for nonmembers.

PEI's Tank Installation Committee reviewed more than 70 suggested changes to the document offered by various individuals and groups, and accepted over 50 percent in some manner. The more significant changes involved:

  • Piping slope
  • Piping layout and trenches
  • Flow shut-off devices (flapper valves)
  • Vent restriction devices
  • Transition sumps
  • Automatic line-leak detectors
  • Secondary containment
  • Water management
  • Groundwater monitoring

This is the eighth edition of RP100, and it supersedes the previous recommended practices of the same name that was published in 2005. A more detailed review of the most important changes can be found in the next issue of the PEI Journal, which also will mail in January.

The revised recommended practice is the subject of a new, PEI-sponsored one-day recertification course for UST installers. The course is currently approved to meet the eight-hour continuing education requirements in West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Mississippi. Installers in other states are eligible to take the training without certification.

The course is taught by industry veteran and RP100 committee member Carl E. "Buddy" Bayliss. Each participant will receive a comprehensive notebook that includes the newly revised RP100, plus four other PEI recommended practices of particular use to UST installers. The notebook also contains installation and commissioning instructions from various equipment manufacturers, as well as OSHA and NIOSH safety guidance. Additional information about the course is available online under UST Installer Training Course.

Members interested in hosting the one-day course should contact Chris Bouldin at PEI at 918-494-9696 or A minimum of ten participants is required.

Revised UST Installation Document (RP100) Available

PEI's Young Executives Winter Conference

More Renewable Fuel in 2011

More Class 8 Trucks To Be Produced in 2011

In This Issue

Sales Boot Camp

Three dates, three locations!


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The PEI Tank Installation Committee responsible for producing the 2011 edition of RP100 is composed of the following experienced installers, environmental engineering consultants, and state and federal regulators:

  • Leland M. Freemen, Petroleum Solutions, Inc. (chairman)
  • Mark Babcock, Adams & Fogg Oil Equipment Co.
  • Blake Bammer, Guardian Fueling Technologies
  • Carl E. Bayliss, II, B C & C LLC
  • Joey Cheek, JMP Solutions
  • Michael W. Farmer, P.O.E., Farmer Co.
  • Duane Grippe, O'Day Equipment, Inc.
  • Michael Mizicko, Western Pump, Inc.
  • Jim O'Day, O'Day Equipment, Inc.
  • David J. Piercey, JD2 Environmental, Inc.
  • Peter Rollo, DNREC
  • Timothy R. Smith, U.S. EPA OUST
  • Kevin R. Strenke, Southeastern Petroleum Systems Inc.
  • Greg Thomas, C. E. Thomas Company
  • Bill R White, D & H Pump Service Inc.

The 2011 PEI Young Executives Winter Conference will be held February 4-5 in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Julie Bell, author, sports psychologist and president of the Dallas-based coaching firm The Mind of a Champion, will speak to the group on "Performance Intelligence," a concept she developed to help individuals deliver their best performance when it matters most. The conference offers an unparalleled networking and learning opportunity for those in the industry who will lead their companies in the future.

Early bird conference registrationvalid through December 31is $395 for current YE members and $495 for non-members. The price goes up to $595 (members) and $695 (non-members) after December 31. The conference will be held at the Omni La Mansión del Rio. The PEI-negotiated rate of $185 per night, excluding taxes and resort fees, will be honored through January 3, 2011. Reservations should be made directly with the hotel at (210) 518-1000 or (800) 843-6664.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will require increased amounts of ethanol and other renewable fuels in 2011. Responding to a congressional mandate (Energy Independence and Security Act), EPA will require that 13.95 billion gallons of transportation fuel come from renewable sources in 2011, which equates to a shade over 8 percent of domestic gasoline and diesel supplies. The overall percentage is lower than the 2010 standard, but the total volume is larger than this year's mandate of 12.95 billion gallons. The federal law raises the renewable fuel baseline volume annually with the aim of reaching 36 billion gallons in 2022.

Production of Class 8 trucks may reach as many as 235,000 units in the United States, Canada and Mexico next year―up from an estimated 151,000 in 2010, said Kenny Vieth, partner at forecaster ACT Research Co. U.S. trucks now average 6.7 years of age, about 11 months older than the historical average and the oldest in ACT data going back to 1979, according to Vieth. While the fleet has logged fewer miles than usual because of the drop in shipping, "no matter how we slice it, we still come up with an answer that it's old," Vieth said. Another analyst, Robert C. Baird & Co., projected production of 230,000 units in 2011. FTR Associates is less optimistic about 2011 production, estimating 187,000 vehicles will be made.Bloomberg Businessweek, November 19, 2010.

Here are some interesting tidbits from a November 27, 2010, article in The Wall Street Journal about full service refueling in New Jersey and elsewhere:

  • It has been illegal to pump your own gasoline in New Jersey for 61 years. It is also illegal in Oregon and in Huntington (Long Island), New York.
  • New Jersey's Supreme Court declared gasoline inherently "dangerous in use" in 1951. 
  • New Jersey has the country's third lowest gasoline tax, after Alaska and Wyoming.
  • Portsmouth, Virginia used to ban gasoline station attendants on roller skates.

In 1978, 74 percent of the gasoline stations in the United States had service bays. By 1983, bay service stations still represented 56 percent of the total service station population. During the following 17 years, auto service bays disappeared from most stations. In 2000, just 26 percent had bays. The rapid decline continued from there. Today, one out of every six (16 percent) gasoline stations has one or more auto service bays, and the average number of bays at stations that have them is 2.86. These facilities are the crème de la crème of the remaining service bay population and are busy money-makers for the station operators.Lundberg Letter, November 22, 2010.  

Capital Petroleum Group
LLC, Springfield, Virginia, purchased 72 ExxonMobil sites in Manhattan, Bronx and Queens, New York.
Pinnacle Construction, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, and Mascott Equipment Company, Inc., Portland, Oregon, have entered into a strategic alliance under which Pinnacle's service work will be referred to a new service office operated by Mascott in Anchorage.

Andrea Zajac, Chief of the Storage Tank Unit, Remediation Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, will retire effective January 1, 2011. She has worked in state government for 27 years, and with the storage tank programs for more than 20 years. We have known Andrea since she started in the state's tank program. She is knowledgeable, and has always been accessible and helpful to our staff and members. We wish her well. She can be reached at

Biodiesel trade association
. National Biodiesel Board, P. O. Box 104898, Jefferson City, Missouri 65110, has applied for affiliate division membership. Kyle Anderson is technical project manager for the firm, which was established in 1993. The National Biodiesel Board represents the biodiesel industry as the coordinating body for research and development in the United States. Sponsored for PEI membership by Eva C. Chambers, VeederR, Simsbury, CT.
South Carolina consulting firm. Muthig Environmental, Inc., P. O. Box 24144, Columbia, South Carolina 29224, has applied for affiliate division membership in PEI. Paul Muthig is president of the firm, which was established in 2001. The company assists insurance companies in evaluating spills from gasoline stations and refineries. Sponsored for PEI membership by Frank Niepraschk, PetroWest, Bluffdale, UT.

Orion Merchant Solutions, Inc., DBA Petro Solutions
, 7640 N.W. 25th Street, Suite 120, Miami, Florida 33122, has requested its membership in PEI be transferred from the service and construction division to the distributor division of PEI. The company represents CentralIL, Federal, Flex-Ing, Franklin, HuskyCorp, IRPCOinc, PemcoFL, Wayne and Vaporless. The transfer is sponsored by two distributors from Georgia: Andy N. Thompson, Jr., CentralInd, Savannah, and Dennis Manders, C&MEqp, Watkinsville.


  • Asesores Tec., Y Mant. de Est. de Ser. SA, San Diego, CA (dis)
  • Petro Equipment Sales & Service, LLC, Canton, NC (dis)
  • Facet International, Tulsa, OK (mfr)
  • Algae-X International, Fort Myers, FL (mfr)
  • Detergent Marketing Systems, Montgomery, IL (aff)


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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.