December 8, 2010 | Vol.
60, No. 24
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Dear PEI Member: The 2011 edition of the Petroleum Equipment Institute's Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems (PEI/RP100) will be released during the first full week of January. You can order this latest edition at Price is $40 for members; $95 for nonmembers. PEI's Tank Installation Committee reviewed more than 70 suggested changes to the document offered by various individuals and groups, and accepted over 50 percent in some manner. The more significant changes involved:
This is the eighth edition of RP100, and it supersedes the previous recommended practices of the same name that was published in 2005. A more detailed review of the most important changes can be found in the next issue of the PEI Journal, which also will mail in January. The revised recommended practice is the subject of a new, PEI-sponsored one-day recertification course for UST installers. The course is currently approved to meet the eight-hour continuing education requirements in West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Mississippi. Installers in other states are eligible to take the training without certification. The course is taught by industry veteran and RP100 committee member Carl E. "Buddy" Bayliss. Each participant will receive a comprehensive notebook that includes the newly revised RP100, plus four other PEI recommended practices of particular use to UST installers. The notebook also contains installation and commissioning instructions from various equipment manufacturers, as well as OSHA and NIOSH safety guidance. Additional information about the course is available online under UST Installer Training Course. Members interested in hosting the one-day course should contact Chris Bouldin at PEI at 918-494-9696 or A minimum of ten participants is required. |
Revised UST Installation Document (RP100) Available PEI's Young Executives Winter Conference More Class 8 Trucks To Be Produced in 2011
Sales Boot Camp
by e-mail to the editor, Robert Renkes at or join the discussion in the Petroleum Equipment Forum to unsubscribe or change preferences see below. |
2011 YOUNG EXECUTIVES WINTER CONFERENCE: FEBRUARY 4-5 IN SAN ANTONIO Early bird conference registration―valid through December 31―is $395 for current YE members and $495 for non-members. The price goes up to $595 (members) and $695 (non-members) after December 31. The conference will be held at the Omni La Mansión del Rio. The PEI-negotiated rate of $185 per night, excluding taxes and resort fees, will be honored through January 3, 2011. Reservations should be made directly with the hotel at (210) 518-1000 or (800) 843-6664. EPA REQUIRES MORE RENEWABLE FUEL IN 2011 ANALYSTS: TRUCK PRODUCTION TO RISE IN 2011 PUMPING YOUR OWN GAS
This newsletter is a member benefit of the Petroleum Equipment Institute. To unsubscribe by email click here or manage all your newsletter subscriptions online at Do not reply to this message. PEI® and the PEI mark are registered trademarks |
©2010 The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members. |