April 2, 2010 | Vol.
60, No. 7
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Dear PEI Member: EPA appears to be clearing the way for partial approval of an ethanol industry request to raise the federal limit on ethanol in gasoline from 10 percent (E10) to 15 percent (E15) by announcing plans to develop a pump label to prevent misfueling of vehicles and engines not authorized to use E15 fuel, and to provide fuel manufacturers certification to sell E15. The Agency posted a new labeling and certification rulemaking on its "action initiation" list, saying a rule "is urgently needed because of the speed that blender pumps are spreading and the possibility of the Agency rendering a decision on the E15 waiver as early as the summer of 2010." The notice says the rule will "help prevent the misfueling of vehicles and engines not certified to operate on gasoline containing greater than 10 percent ethanol." EPA's announcement says that "vehicles or engines not certified or approved for E10+ may experience increased emissions of criteria pollutants and accelerated deterioration of emission control systems due to higher oxygen content from increased ethanol levels. These emissions increases will have an adverse effect on air quality and public health due to known relationships between regulated pollutants and the formation of ground level ozone. Furthermore, vehicles or engines operating on E10+ may experience operability issues leading to tampering of certified configurations designed to satisfy EPA emissions requirements." EPA announced in December that it was delaying its decision on the Clean
Air Act waiver sought by ethanol producer Growth Energy because the Agency
lacked the necessary data, but added the data should be available by the
summer. |
EPA To Develop E15 Fueling Label Registration Open for PEI Convention Revision to PEI RP500 Underway
by e-mail to the editor, Robert Renkes at rrenkes@pei.org or join the discussion in the Petroleum Equipment Forum to unsubscribe or change preferences see below. |
The rule initiation comes as 41 organizations―ranging
from oil companies and engine makers to Friends of the Earth and the
Association for Dressings and Sauces―are asking
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to provide a second comment period on the new
data EPA will use to decide the waiver request. In the letter, the groups
argue that EPA's decision to permit E15 blends should be based on "a
complete and sound scientific record and in accordance with the procedures
of the Clean Air Act." The groups urge EPA to offer the public an
opportunity to review and comment "to the extent that there are additions to
this scientific record subsequent to July 20, 2009 on which EPA will base
its ultimate decision."
REGISTRATION & HOUSING NOW OPEN FOR PEI CONVENTION Full registration includes admission to all educational sessions, exposition for all three days, the PEI Industry Reception and the NACS Welcome Reception. The education sessions will address issues such as national legislative initiatives affecting PEI members, the future of petroleum motor fuels, ethanol, ultra low sulfur diesel, the use of social media in business, and trends in the economy. Early registration fees are $275 for PEI members and $425 for all other attendees. This rate is available through August 13, 2010. Registration for a single day or the exposition only is also available. The PEI headquarters hotel is the Hyatt Regency Atlanta (negotiated rates are $207 single/double). The 10-Group meetings and Young Executive functions will be held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza. PEI'S DISPENSING EQUIPMENT INSPECTION DOCUMENT TO BE REVISED The recommended practice applies to fueling equipment intended to dispense gasoline, diesel and related petroleum products into motor vehicles at commercial and retail fueling facilities. Equipment covered includes all aboveground, liquid- and vapor-handling components from the base of the dispenser cabinet to the tip of the nozzle spout. Users of the recommended practice are encouraged to make suggestions or recommendations to revise RP500. Submit comments online at www.pei.org/rp500. Instructions for completing the form are provided on the website. To be considered by the committee, comments must be received at PEI by May 7, 2010. For questions and/or further information, contact Bob Young at byoung@pei.org at 918-494-9696. BRIEFLY NOTED
This newsletter is a member benefit of the Petroleum Equipment Institute. To unsubscribe by email click here or manage all your newsletter subscriptions online at www.pei.org/membersonly. Do not reply to this message. PEI® and the PEI mark are registered trademarks |
©2010 The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members. |