O&M –
could include periodic operational checks and periodic testing (automatic
tank gauge, probes, sensors, line leak detectors, and alarms) that goes
beyond manufacturer's instructions.
Throughput Facilities – consider whether additional/ different
requirements are appropriate.
Incorporate new technologies (such as
Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) and Continuous In Tank Leak
Detection System (CITLDS)).
Consider whether clarification is needed concerning catastrophic and
monthly release detection.
Explore how to address interstitial alarms with regard to section 280.50
“Reporting of Suspected Releases.”
Rates - Explore adjusting leak rates and/or probabilities and other
performance criteria by method of release detection.
- Consider adding alternative fuels to definition of motor fuels
or regulated substance.
- Update Regulations - Remove references to 1998 deadline.
Including removing upgrade options and/or internal lining from regulations
(but keep inspection requirements for existing systems).
- Update tank, piping sections for new technologies – include
clad and jacketed tanks, flexpiping.
- Notification of ownership changes - Explore requiring
submitting revised notification forms when ownership changes at the
- Technical Corrections – such as update standards and correct
Explore whether to regulate, exclude or continue to defer:
Release detection for Emergency Generator USTs
containing Radioactive Substances
Emergency Generator USTs at Nuclear Facilities
Airport Hydrant Systems
Field-Constructed USTs
Wastewater Treatment Tanks
For 25 years, PEI has offered the Distributor Profitability Report to
participating members of PEI's distributor division in North America. The
Report takes a distributor's income statement and
balance sheet and benchmarks the financial performance of the industry for participants.
Suggestions to improve profits are also made. The deadline to participate is
July 15. For further details or to participate
the profitability survey form.
Jones & Frank Corp., headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, has announced
that Tom Pera, vice president of business development for the company, has
taken on the additional role of retail sales management for its retail field
sales force. In addition to his current duties, Pera will focus on strategic
products and services for the retail environment as well as overall sales
growth for the company.
Guardian Fueling Technologies, headquartered in Jacksonville,
Florida, has appointed Chuck Innes manager of its Tampa branch office. He
has over 25 years experience in the petroleum industry.
The National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition (NEVC) announced that it intends
to unite with Growth Energy and become Growth Energy Market Development. A
NEVC press release said that "the additional resources will bolster Growth
Energy's aggressive goals to proliferate blender pumps across the country."
NEVC had 1,600 members. Phil Lampert, who has been executive director of NEVC
since 1997, is now vice president of market development for Growth Energy.
Poma Environmental Services, a DBA of Inland Petroleum Equipment &
Repair, Inc., is the new name for the Bloomington, California-based company
formerly known as Inland Petroleum Equipment and Repair. The company
combined its name to enhance the Poma Companies brand. Poma Environmental expects
to expand its services in the environmental testing and compliance area.
Tanknology Inc., Austin, Texas, announced Tanknology SA (Pty) Ltd. as
a new licensee for the company. The Cape Town, South Africa-based company
was formed by Maintenance Technologies Solutions (Pty) Ltd (MTS)
specifically to provide underground storage tank and line testing services.
Dave Rodrigues, sales marketing manager for Titan-PME Equipment Sales,
San Jose, California, has retired after 33 years in the industry.
Dave opened Titan Rubber in San Jose in 1976 when the company he was working
for in San Francisco closed its branch there. He sold Titan Rubber in
June 2001 to PME of Placentia, California. Dave served one term on
the PEI Board of Directors.
Dale White. In 1962, Dale White joined his brother Bill and father Blake
as an employee of White's Pump Service in Lubbock, Texas. Forty-five years
later, Dale and Bill sold White's Pump Service & Supply in 2007 to D & H
Petroleum & Environmental. Dale plans to retire at the end of this month.
Fuel system manufacturer. Separation by Design, 921 Keck Avenue,
Evansville, Indiana 47720, has applied for manufacturer division membership.
Roy Jorgensen is president of the company, which was established in 2004.
The company provides custom-design fuel systems for ethanol, biofuel, DEF
and oil/water separators, which are sold through distributors. Sponsored for
PEI membership by Steve Murray, MurrayEqp, Fort Wayne, IN.
Traffic and safety equipment manufacturer. Innoplast, Inc., P. O. Box
23681, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023, has applied for manufacturer division
membership. Craig McConnell is vice president for the firm, which was
established in 2005. The company produces bollard covers/sleeves, speed
bumps, overhead clearance bars, and bumper wraps. This equipment is sold
through distributors. Sponsored for PEI membership by Chris Vassos,
WalecoInc, Mississauga, Ontario.
California environmental consulting firm. Matriks Corporation, 321
Court Street, Woodland, California 95695, has applied for service and
construction division membership. Tom Henderson is president of the firm,
which was established in 2007. The company provides general and
environmental construction, maintenance and design for fueling systems and
stations. Sponsored for PEI membership by Gary Carson, CommPtrEqp, Sun
Valley, CA.
Guatemala general contractor. Grupo Artec S.A., 7 Ave. 7-07 zona 9
Edif., Arrend 6to, Nivel, Guatemala, Guatemala, has applied for service and
construction division membership. Otto Sanchez Overall is general manager
for the firm, which was established in 2007. The company installs
dispensers, piping, tanks, and lighting systems. It also designs and builds
convenience stores. Sponsored for PEI membership by Dan Quagliato, Petrorep,
Jackson, NJ.
New Hampshire installation and repair firm. Tank Testing Services of
New England, 52 Silkwood Avenue, D-2, Belmont, New Hampshire 03220, has
applied for service and construction division membership. James Spiller is
manager of the firm, which was established in 1998. The company provides
compliance testing, installation and repair for the petroleum industry.
Sponsored for PEI membership by Brad Hoffman, Tanknology, Austin, TX.
North Carolina installation and service contractor. Wildcat Petroleum
Inc., 326 Hawksnest Court, Matthews, North Carolina 28104, has applied for
service and construction division membership. Jake Stroud is the primary
contact for the company, which was established in 1994. The company installs
and services petroleum equipment. Sponsored for PEI membership by Scott
Jones, JonesFrank, Norfolk, VA.
- Colder Products Company, St. Paul, MN (mfr)
- TOPS, Salt Lake City, UT (mfr)
- Hamilton Tanks, Columbus, OH (mfr)
- Blue1USA, Duluth, GA (mfr)
- Amor Pump Service LLC, Newington, CT (S&C)
- Ultimate Petroleum Incorporated, Miami, FL (S&C)
- Spark Contractors, Dorothy, NJ (S&C)
- Richard T. Wimer Inc., Quarryville, PA (S&C)