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July 22, 2008 | Vol. 58, No. 13

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Dear PEI Member:

The tabulation of ballots has been completed in the nominating election of PEI board members from our even-numbered districts and affiliate division. Two members ran unopposed and have already been certified winners by the PEI Election Commission. Two members received enough votes in the nominating stage of the election process to be elected to the board without having to participate in a runoff election. Runoff elections will be held in Manufacturer Districts 10 and 12, and the Affiliate Division. Ballots for the runoff election will be mailed July 25. Here are the election results, according to Kirk Mercer, R. W. Mercer Company, Jackson, Michigan, chairman of the PEI Election Commission.

Distributor District 2 - Craig Smith, Francis Smith & Sons, Inc., Chinchilla, Pennsylvania, has been elected to represent District 2 which covers DE, MD, PA, VA, WV, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Hungary. He will succeed Scott Hafer, Hafer Petroleum Equipment Ltd., Reading, Pennsylvania.

Distributor District 4 - Monti Harris, Oil Equipment Supply Corp., Indianapolis, Indiana, has been elected to represent District 4 which covers IN, KY, MI, OH, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Oman, Ontario, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sudan, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. He will succeed Andy Mercer, R. W. Mercer Company, Jackson, Michigan.

Distributor District 6 - The new director representing District 6 is Phil Farrell, Double Check Company, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri. He will succeed Terry D. Cooper, Acterra Group, Marion, Iowa. Distributor District 6 is composed of distributors in IL, IA, MO and WI.

PEI Board Elections

New P/V Vent Requirement

Worth Noting

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Distributor District 8 - The new director representing District 8 is Robert Peavey, PumpTex Inc., Beaumont, Texas. He will succeed Richard D. Dixon, P. B. Hoidale Company, Inc., Wichita, Kansas. Peavey will represent distributors in KS, NM, OK, TX and Mexico.

Manufacturer District 10 - The three nominees in the runoff are Eva Chambers, Veeder-Root Company, Simsbury, Connecticut; Al Eichorn, PMP Corporation, Avon, Connecticut; and Shawn Kiefer, Dixon Pumps, Billings, Montana. Members in District 10 manufacture pumps, meters, controls, vapor recovery equipment and filters.

Manufacturer District 12 - The two nominees in the runoff are Robert J. Milo, Universal Valve Company, Inc., Elizabeth, New Jersey, and Tim Woofter, Stanwade Metal Products, Inc., Hartford, Ohio. Members in Manufacturer District 12 manufacture nozzles, valves, fittings, tank coatings, gauges and secondary containment systems.

Affiliate Division - The nominees in the runoff are Gary Blanchette, On-Site Marketing, Inc., San Antonio, Texas, and Erik Long, Walsh, Long & Company, Inc., Naperville, Illinois. 

On January 10, 2008, EPA issued a final rule (73 FR 1916) that established national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for facilities in the gasoline distribution (Stage I vapor recovery) area source category.

The January 10 final rule requires the installation of vapor balance systems between the delivery tank truck and the storage tank at gasoline dispensing facilities with a monthly throughput of 100,000 gallons of gasoline or more. The rule further requires the installation of pressure/vacuum (PV) vent valves with specific cracking pressure and leak rate settings on the storage tank vent pipes at affected facilities.

After the rule was published, EPA discovered that the PV vent valves with the specific pressure, deviations, and leak rate settings required in the January 10 final rule were no longer manufactured. As a result, EPA amended those specific pressure and leak rate settings for PV vents as follows: "A positive pressure setting of 2.5 to 6.0 inches of water and a negative pressure setting of 6.0 to 10.0 inches of water. The total leak rate of all PV vent valves at an affected facility, including connections, shall not exceed 0.17 cubic foot per hour at a pressure of 2.0 inches of water and 0.63 cubic foot per hour at a vacuum of 4 inches of water."

This change takes effect September 23, 2008, for new or reconstructed gasoline dispensing facilities. The compliance date for existing gasoline dispensing facilities with a monthly throughput of 100,000 gallons of gasoline or more is January 10, 2011, which is the same date specified in the January 10, 2008, final rule.

Guardian Fueling Technologies
, Jacksonville, Florida, has acquired AFG Petroleum in Crestview, Florida. Nels Walker will manage the branch operation. Ben Edwards will stay on as service manager, and the entire AFG Petroleum field-staff will continue with the new owners. 
Of the 109,369 dispensers inspected by the Texas Department of Agriculture in 2007, only 5 percent either gave the wrong amount of gasoline or had other problems that put them out of commission until they were fixed, reported the San Antonio Express News. Practically the same percentage of dispensers gave the customer too much gasoline as those that shorted the customer.
One-third of the motorists in the United States are purchasing most of their gasoline at alternative gasoline retail outlets like supercenters, supermarkets and warehouse clubs, according to TNS Retail Forward, a retail-marketing firm in Columbus, Ohio. That percentage is up from 22 percent just three years ago. In terms of total gasoline sales, alternative gasoline retailers now account for 13 percent of U.S. gasoline sales. TNS Retail Forward projects this figure to reach 16 to 17 percent by 2012.
Expect health care premiums to rise 8 percent in 2009, the same as this year. But double-digit increases are likely after that. Medical costs are going up, after slowing for years because of concerted containment efforts.--The Kiplinger Letter, July 3, 2008.
The average age of an SUV or pickup today in the United States is just 7.1 years, compared with 9.2 for cars.--Oil Daily, July 17, 2008

Atlas Oil Co.
, Taylor, Michigan, has purchased 23 BP-branded retail sites in northwest Indiana from BP Products North America. The sale is expected to close in the fall.
Thompson Energy LLC, Dalton, Georgia, has acquired Perimeter Oil and Shamrock Petroleum, both located in metropolitan Atlanta. The two acquisitions involve about 100 Shell- and Citgo-branded dealers.

United Pump and Controls, Inc.
, Suwanee, Georgia, has named Jim Young to head its commercial division and alternative fuels efforts. Young has 20 years of petroleum industry experience, serving as a consultant, representative and petroleum equipment manufacturer.
Eastern States Associates, Inc.
, Palmer, Massachusetts, has promoted Joseph Flick to president and Ken Neal to vice president of the company. Both men will be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the company. Ed Maxwell will remain as chairman of the board and manager of the New England territory.
Computrol Fuel Systems Inc.
, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, has appointed Mark van Wyk as its international sales and marketing manager. He has experience working on the distribution and manufacturers representative sides of the industry.
HCN Petroleum Equipment Inc., Newland, North Carolina, has recently promoted Casey J. Hartley to vice president, operations. Hartley began with the company in 1996 as a service technician and was named service manager in 2001.
The New Jersey Petroleum Equipment Contractors Association recently elected five PEI members to leadership positions in the trade association. They include Artie Hoffmann, A. H. Hoffmann, LLC (president); Ralf D. Hillesland, Alfa-Tronics, Inc. (vice president); Chris Trebvus, Independence Constructors, Inc. (director); Randy Mitchell, H. A. Fernot Co. Inc. (director); and Wes Yeager, Wes Yeager & Associates Engineered Systems (director).

Ray Geiger
retired July 1 after 52 years in the petroleum marketing equipment business. He spent the majority of his career with Gasboy, representing the company on the West Coast and in Lansdale, and also worked for Tokheim in Fort Wayne some time after Tokheim acquired Gasboy. He moved back to California in 1994 to start up R G Sales Agency. Ray helped pioneer unattended card lock systems for commercial accounts and credit/debit card systems at retail locations. He can be reached at

Alabama distributor
. Turner's Pump Shop, 616 West Carroll Street, Dothan, Alabama 36301, has applied for distributor division membership. Allen Turner is owner of the company, which was established in 2007. The company represents Bagby, Catlow, Cim-Tek, ESCO, Federal, Formex, FuelMaster, GasPump, Global, PemcoFL, PetroFiber, PMPCorp, RDMElec and Universal. Sponsored for PEI membership by Wayne A. Wade, SummitS&S, Birmingham, AL.
CAD design firm
. CAD Fuel Design, P. O. Box 5124, Roanoke, Virginia 24012, has applied for affiliate division membership. Beth V. Powell is owner of the firm, which was established in 2001. The company offers contract drafting for permitting, planning and installation purposes, and design for retail fueling and fleet services. Sponsored for PEI membership by Terry W. Kidman, FourStar, Roanoke, VA.
Australian tank manufacturer. DTE Group Pty. Ltd., P. O. Box 5169, Yangebup, Australia 6164, has applied for affiliate division membership. Paul Kelly is the primary contact for the firm, which was established in 2000. The company manufactures storage tanks and provides liquid handling solutions in the petroleum, chemical, industrial, power, process and mining industries. Sponsored for PEI membership by Richard Sharpe, Plasteel, Carlsbad, CA.
Chinese motor manufacturer. Shenyang Daming Motor Co., Ltd., No. 30 JiansheNaner Road, Hushitai Economic and Technology Development Zone, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 110122, has applied for affiliate division membership. Yao Yongming is the general manager for the firm, which was established in 1993. The company manufactures electric and explosion-proof motors. Sponsored for PEI membership by Friendship Ge, AileOilEqp, Jiading District, Shanghai, China.
Florida installation contractor. Penn Environmental Services, 6101 Adamsville Road, Gibsonton, Florida 33534, has applied for service and construction division membership. Paul J. Kane is vice president of the firm, which was established in 2006. The company is a full-service underground storage tank installation contractor. Sponsored for PEI membership by Brian Berkle, ValleyTank, Houston, TX.
Maryland contractor. Premium Electric, LLC, 889 Airport Park Road, Suite N, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061, has applied for service and construction division membership. Joseph W. O'Connor, Jr., is co-owner of the firm, which was established in 2007. Premium Electric is an electrical contractor and installer doing business in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, southern Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. Sponsored for PEI membership by Bill Flannery, Frittr&Son, Hyattsville, MD.
North Dakota service and construction firm. CDP Inc., 208 Lake Street, Mandan, North Dakota 58554, has applied for membership in the service and construction membership division. Scott Olson is president of the firm, which was established in 2006. Sponsored for PEI membership by James Reining, EagleEqp, St. Cloud, MN.

Evans Pump Company, Inc.
, P. O. Box 194, Lake Dallas, Texas 75065, has requested its membership in PEI be transferred from the service and construction division to the distributor division of PEI. The company represents Franklin, FuelMaster, Gilbarco, OPW-FC, 3M, and VeriFone. The transfer is sponsored by two Texas distributors: Bryan Chambers, Chambers, Brownwood, and Susan Bush, JayBallEqp, Dallas.


  • Bradley Baxter, Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Knoxville, TN (O&E)
  • Nelson Cabral, BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc., Natick, MA (O&E)
  • Robert Bryant, Schneider National, Inc., West Memphis, AR (O&E)


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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.