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July 1, 2008 | Vol. 58, No. 12

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In This Issue

Dear PEI Member:

California and Washington have joined New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia in banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving.

As of July 1, with a few narrow exceptions, drivers in California with a cell phone to his or her ear while driving will be subject to a $20 fine for the first offense and $50 for those thereafter. Most drivers will still be allowed to talk on a hands-free unit, although those under 18 can't even do that. What's more, the California law makes cell-phone use while driving a primary offense. That means the police can stop a motorist for that purpose alone.

Although it's far from the only distraction that can take drivers' attention from what's happening on the road (eating, shaving, changing a CD, reading, talking to passengers), cell-phone use is the one lawmakers have chosen to target. And it's one attorneys have chosen to cite when a cell-phone user causes an accident. Cell phone users do have accidentsa study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that drivers using cell phones are four times more likely to be in an accident than other drivers.

For these reasons, experts are beginning to suggest that employers have a cell-phone-use policy on the books. Such a policy will help ensure that employees are aware of their obligations under federal, state, and local regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving. A written policy might also help employers build a defense to possible tort claims that may arise should an employee become involved in an accident.

What should a cell-phone policy cover? Here are some ideas, but certainly not an all-inclusive list:

  • Either an absolute prohibition of cell-phone use while driving or a requirement that drivers pull over and park to take or make calls
  • Mandatory use of a headset if a cell phone must be used
  • Require employees to make their calls before driving
  • Require cell phones be turned off while driving
  • A prohibition against text messaging or reading text while driving

Cell Phone Usage Policy

Regulatory Briefs

Nonmetallic Pipe Reference Guide

EPA Biodiesel Compendium Available

In This Issue

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. A new law, signed June 6 by Governor Janet Napolitano, requires biodiesel dispensers to have labels that specify the volume percentage of biodiesel in the finished product. For biodiesel blends containing up to 5 percent biodiesel, the label on the dispenser is required to state: "May contain up to 5 percent biodiesel." The labeling provisions of this new law take effect immediately.
Missouri. Effective September 1, 2008, owners/operators of underground storage tank systems who use an electronic line leak detector (ELLD) to monitor their pressurized piping will be required to demonstrate that they have checked the ELLD for proper operation when they renew their insurance with the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund. Documentation of the annual operability test should include the date of the test, name of the technician who performed the test, test data, model of ELLD, test method used, and ELLD serial number (if legible).
Arizona. Governor Janet Napolitano signed a new underground storage tank (UST) statute into law May 20. The statute covers secondary containment of all UST systems installed on or after January 1, 2009. The new law also covers "stop use" orders and outlines an operator training program. The complete statute is located here.
Nevada. All new or replaced underground storage tanks (USTs) installed on or after July 1 must be secondarily contained provided they are within 1,000 feet of any existing community water system or any existing potable drinking water well according to new regulations which took effect earlier this year. The regulation also creates a requirement for under-dispenser containment at motor vehicle dispensers connected to a regulated underground storage tank. A delivery prohibition program was also created. See complete details of all the changes under Regulations R004-08 and R005-08. 
South Carolina. New underground storage tank (UST) rules became effective May 23. They require secondary containment for new and replaced USTs near drinking water, prohibit fuel delivery at noncompliant USTs, and adopt an operator training program which will be published by August 8, 2009. A copy of the new regulations is available here.

Kevin Henderson, compliance and enforcement manager for the underground storage tank branch of the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, has developed a presentation that identifies nonmetallic piping for state UST inspectors and others. Most state regulators have recently received the guide and we thought PEI members would benefit from it as well. Although PEI cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information contained in the guide, regulators we communicate with consider it a very useful tool. The guide is available here.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has developed a Web-based compendium that provides people in the underground storage tank industry with information on biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel). The information was collected by EPA from federal and state agencies, trade associations, and industry on topics such as equipment compatibility and installation, fate and transport, handling, health and safety, remediation, UST system conversion and state policies.

Information from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on financing options available to assist gasoline station operators in completing Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR) equipment upgrades is now available here. Organizations listed as providing financial assistance include the California State Water Board RUST Program, Patriot Capital, and the California Service Station and Automotive Repair Association.

PumpTex Inc.
, Beaumont, Texas, has promoted Rod Hawkins to service manager and Jay Ruth to lead technician at its Beaumont facility.
Central Illinois Manufacturing Company, Bement, Illinois, has recently promoted Todd K. Oberg to vice president of sales and marketing. He began his career at Cim-Tek in 2005 as sales manager for the petroleum and industrial markets.
Crompco, LLC, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, has named Tom Souls president of the company. Souls comes to Crompco from ConocoPhillips, where he worked in a variety of management positions for the past 29 years.
PetroTechnik Inc., Cresskill, New Jersey, has appointed T and D Sales, Temple City, California, to represent its products in Arizona, southern California and southern Nevada.

Gilbarco Inc.
, Greensboro, North Carolina, has signed a definitive purchase agreement to acquire the shares of Autotank Group of Tampere, Finland, from Aspo PLC, pending final closure of the deal. Autotank makes and sells retail automation equipment for fuel retailers in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. The Group also provides extensive installation and maintenance services for fuel outlets across the region. The Autotank Group of companies will be renamed Gilbarco Autotank.

Standard for Automotive Lifts - Safety Requirements for Operation, Inspection and Maintenance
(ANSI/ALI ALOIM: 2008) has been adopted as an American National Standard. Copies are available from the Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. for $15 at
Alliance Energy LLC, Branford, Connecticut, has purchased 68 convenience store and dealer assets owned by Peterborough Oil Co. Inc., Leominster, Massachusetts. The stores are located in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine.
Accurate Tank Technologies, Inc. has moved from Naperville to newly acquired property at 204 Poplar Place, North Aurora, Illinois 60542. The company retained its telephone number (630-375-6121) but changed its fax number (630-844-0091).

A report by Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), an energy-consulting group, says 2007 probably will represent the peak year of gasoline consumption in the U.S., with annual demand dropping this year for the first time in 17 years. "Americans are now driving less and demanding greater fuel efficiency from their vehicles when they do drive," said Aaron Brady, CERA's global oil director. "Automakers are responding by accelerating the shift in their model mix. Both short- and long-term signals are all pointing toward decreasing future demand."  

Fuel dispenser manufacturer
. Atris Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., No. 97, Xushui Road, Hi-tech Development Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Zhengzhou, China 450001, has applied for manufacturer division membership. Xiaoming Du is president of the firm, which was established in 2006. The company manufactures fuel dispensers, nozzles, swivels, couplers, and flowmeters, and sells its products through distributors. Nominated for PEI membership by Friendship Ge, AileOilEqp, Shanghai, China.
California engineering firm. Strandberg Associates, 348 Concord Drive, Menlo Park, California 94025, has applied for affiliate division membership in PEI. John Strandberg is a chemical engineer for the firm, which was established in 2007. The company inspects tanks, SPCC plans, and hazardous waste storage. Nominated for PEI membership by Joseph Bagley, BagleyEnt, Lodi, California. 


  • Saben Akaryakit ve Teknik Malzemeler San. Tic. AS, Istanbul, Turkey (dis)
  • JMM Management Group, LLC, Elgin, IL (aff)
  • Kinetic Fuel Technology, Youngstown, NY (aff)
  • Occu-Tec, Kansas City, MO (S&C)
  • PetroTech, Nettleton, MS (S&C)
  • Lou Stergar, PSC Metals Inc., Mayfield Heights, OH (O&E)


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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
Tulsa, OK 74101-2380

The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.