TulsaLetter, published since 1951...
October 24, 2007 | Vol. 57, No. 21

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Dear PEI Member:

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) announced last week that it has established certification requirements for E85 fuel-dispensing equipment, and is now accepting submittals for certification investigations.

It has been slightly over a year (October 5, 2006) since UL suspended authorization for manufacturers to use UL markings (listing or recognition) on components for fuel-dispensing devices that specifically reference compatibility with alcohol- blended fuels that contain greater than 15 percent alcohol (i.e., ethanol, methanol or other alcohols). The authorization suspension was issued because studies on ethanol indicated that ethanol in high concentrations may significantly degrade equipment.

The big question now is how long will it take before UL will list an E85 dispenser. Answers vary, depending on who you talk to. Manufacturers still are not certain what testing the equipment will be subjected to, or how long the testing will take. Our best guess is that UL will be in a position to list an E85 dispenser near the end of the first quarter of 2008.

Amendments and additions to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code Subchapter 2N "Criteria and Standards Applicable to Underground Storage Tanks" will go into effect November 1, 2007. The new standards must be met for new underground storage tank installations completed on or after November 1. In addition to new installations, all UST system components replaced on existing systems on or after November 1 must also meet the new requirements.

The new performance standards cover tanks, piping, containment sumps, spill buckets, UST system siting, and system inspection. Emergency generator UST systems are also required to be in compliance with the new construction requirements, including secondary containment and interstitial monitoring. A new procedure and process of notification and review of installation documents has also been instituted.
The state has prepared a synopsis of the new UST system requirements and procedures for notifying the state of upcoming UST system installations. The synopsis is available on our web site. The final version of the complete rule is available at www.wastenotnc.org.

UL & E85 Equipment

North Carolina UST Rules

Delaware Proposed UST Rules


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The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) has proposed extensive changes to its underground storage tank regulations. Some of the most significant changes would include:

  • Secondary containment of the entire UST system must be used at all new installations;
  • Release detection methods such as observation wells, monitoring wells and vapor detection wells are prohibited five years after the regulations are promulgated;
  • Equipment used for release detection must pass annual testing and inspection requirements;
  • USTs containing ethanol blends must be checked for water in the tank every day;
  • Operators must conduct a visual inspection of the entire facility at least once every 30 days, including lifting all sump covers, removing dispenser covers and lifting all manhole covers to check for evidence of equipment deterioration, malfunction or a release;
  • Emergency generator tanks must implement a method of release detection by January 1, 2009; and
  • Double elbow swing joints must be replaced with flexible connectors by January 1, 2011.

The proposed regulation is available at the DNREC website. A public hearing is scheduled for October 30 in New Castle. Public comments are due by that time. Contact Jill Hall at Jill.Hall@state.de.us for more details.

Under a rule proposed by the state Department of Environment and Natural Resources, beginning January 1, 2009, specified monthly release detection methods would be required for certain tanks that now are subject to tightness testing. The proposed changes would also eliminate (beginning in 2009) certain release detection and monitoring methods currently allowed by the regulations. Written comments are due by November 19. Notice of the proposed changes to the tank rules is available here.   

The National Institute for Storage Tank Management
(NISTM) is holding its Third Annual Underground Storage Tank Conference and Tradeshow on November 5-6, 2007, at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park, Georgia. The speakers slated to make presentations at the conference are outstanding and include regulators and many PEI members. Information about the conference is available at www.nistm.org.
The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission
(NEIWPCC), American Petroleum Institute (API), and Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) are offering a two-day training course on technical issues related to assessment and remediation of oxygenates and other fuel components. Instructors will present a balanced program offering both theoretical and field-based information covering site characteristics, remedial technology selection, design and implementation. The course will be offered November 15-16, 2007, at the DoubleTree Hotel, Atlanta-Buckhead, in Atlanta. For registration information, call NEIWPCC at 978-323-7929.    

EZ Fuel & Tank Solutions
, Duluth, Georgia, was ranked 697 on Inc. Magazine's first ever Inc. 5,000 list of the fastest growing private companies in the country. EZ Fuel's sales growth for the three-year period ending December 2006 was 478 percent.
Michigan's Court of Appeals has upheld fines totaling about $2.5 million against Bulk Petroleum Corp. for failing to comply with an administrative order covering leaking underground storage tanks at a retail gasoline station in the state.

A study conducted by the National Research Council (NRC)
and published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concludes that if ethanol production increases as forecast, it will have a harmful impact on water supplies at regional and local levels. The NRC found that increased cultivation of corn and expansion of biofuel crops into regions not yet suited for agriculturelike drought-prone areaswould change irrigation practices and "greatly increase" pressure on water resources. The report also said that operations at biorefineries could "substantially" impact water supplies.
Ethanol producer Agassiz Energy has delayed its initial public offering and its plans to build a 55 million-gallon ethanol plant in Minnesota because of weak prices for the fuel. Agassiz is the fourth company to recently announce delays in new ethanol plant construction.
A new poll conducted by Harris Interactive shows that 78 percent of Americans believe that using ethanol would reduce US dependence on foreign oil.
"It is unrealistic to think that E85—a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline—will become widely used in the US because of supply constraints and the extra costs of making cars that can run on the fuel", Tom Stricker of Toyota Motor North America said October 16.--Oil Daily, October 17, 2007.

Jones & Frank Corporation
, headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, has named Tom Pera vice president of business development. Pera has relocated to Raleigh, North Carolina, from Phoenix, Arizona, where he spent the past 20 years in the petroleum equipment distribution side of the industry. He can be reached at tpera@jones-frank.com or via cell at 919-720-0640.
Guardian Fueling Technologies, Jacksonville, Florida, has appointed David Freeborn corporate operations manager. He was formerly branch manager of the company's Ft. Myers regional office.
Blackmer, Grand Rapids, Michigan, has appointed Jack Spoors to the position of director, inventory and logistics. Mark Stubbs was named director, customer care and applications engineering.
Morrison Bros. Co., Dubuque, Iowa, has hired Tim Weiss as its vice president of business development. He has been working with Morrison for the past year as a special projects consultant. Phone: 800-553-4840, ext. 248. Email: tweiss@morbros.com.
PetroClear, Albion, Illinois, has announced that Red Leonard and Associates will now represent PetroClear in Illinois in addition to Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, upstate and western New York, western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Canada. S&R Sales will now represent PetroClear in Wisconsin in addition to Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.   

The North Eastern Weights and Measures Association
(NEWMA) called on the Laws and Regulations Committee of the National Conference on Weights and Measures to provide supporting documentation that could be used in a regulatory impact statement if a state chose to enact automatic temperature compensation (ATC) at the retail level. In posing a number of specific questions to the Laws and Regulations Committee, NEWMA reached the same conclusion as the Central Weights and Measures Association by calling for additional research and information before making a decision on ATC. The Southern Weights and Measures Association is debating the ATC issue this week in Little Rock.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB868 into law October 10 that calls for a study to analyze the temperature compensation issue. The bill requires a survey and cost-benefit analysis and recommendations be made to the legislature about future legislation and regulations dealing with temperature compensation. The information must be submitted by January 1, 2009.    

Malaysia distributor
. Titan Oil & Gas Sdn Bhd, 5 & 7, Lorong SS 13/6A, Subang Jaya Industrial Estate, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, has applied for distributor division membership. Meei Shyang Tan is the general manager of the firm, which was established in 1993. Titan Oil & Gas represents ELAFLEX, EmcoWheatn, Franklin, Gasboy, Gilbarco, Kraus, OPW-FC, Petrteknik, PIUSI, PtrTechnik, RYKO and Wayne. Sponsored for PEI membership by John W.H. Chan, TitanIntl, Hong Kong.
Aboveground fuel storage tank manufacturer. Northern Steel Industries, Box 1718, Tisdale, Saskatchewan S0E 1T0, Canada, has applied for manufacturer division membership. Doug S. Snider is operations manager for the firm, which was established in 1994. Northern Steel Industries manufactures stationary aboveground fuel storage tanks which are sold through distributors. Sponsored for PEI membership by Ernie Martens, Westeel, Olds, AB.
Korea distributor. Dhehyun E&I Inc., #306 Han Do Bldg., 987-14, Daechi 3-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 135-849, has applied for affiliate division membership. Il Sung Chung is CEO of the firm, which was established in 1990. Sponsored for PEI membership by Wayne Geyer, STI, Lake Zurich, IL.
Car wash distributor. Integrated Cleaning Systems, P. O. Box 10209, West Palm Beach, Florida 33419, has applied for affiliate division membership. Kevin J. Collette is president of the firm, which was established in 1997. Integrated Cleaning Systems distributes automatic car wash systems, tunnels, water reclamation systems, and glass modular wash enclosures. Sponsored for PEI membership by Carol Schram, Peco, Auburn Hills, MI.
Brazil dispenser manufacturer. Stratema Industria e Comercio Ltda., Rua Armandina Braga de Almeida, 357, Guarulhos, Brazil 07141-003, has applied for affiliate division membership in PEI. Joseph Walton, Jr., is an engineer for the firm, which was established in 2004. Stratema manufactures gasoline, alcohol and diesel dispensers in Brazil. Sponsored for PEI membership by Marcello Cyrino, Zeppini, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Florida petroleum contractor. CT Earle Corporation Tank & Piping Division, 7001 Gibsonton Drive, Gibsonton, Florida 33534, has applied for affiliate division membership. David J. Lennie is vice president of the company, which was established in 1972. The firm installs and upgrades tanks, piping, electrical and associated equipment. Sponsored for PEI membership by Matt Cothren, UnivStruc, Plant City, FL.
Missouri installation and service firm
. Rick's Petro Service, 1609 S.W. 20th Street, Blue Springs, Missouri 64015, has applied for affiliate division membership. Rick Cherry is owner of the firm, which was established in 1989. Sponsored for PEI membership by Richard D. Dixon, Hoidale, Wichita, KS.
Ontario installation and service company. Kardtech Inc., #30 Intermodel Unit #11, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5K1, Canada, has applied for affiliate division membership. Mark Dikken is president of the firm, which was established in 1999. Kardtech installs and repairs cardlock management systems. Sponsored for PEI membership by Tiina McCombie, NatlEnergy, Mississauga, ON, and Chris Vassos, WalecoInc, Mississauga, ON.
Tennessee service firm. Dynamis, Inc., P. O. Box 50636, Knoxville, Tennessee 37950, has applied for affiliate division membership. Danny Jones is president of the firm, which was established in 1998. Dynamis provides petroleum and environmental services. Sponsored for PEI membership by W. Douglas Bruce, RBMCo, Knoxville, TN. 


  • Gary Douglas, Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Maryville, TN (O&E)


  • Jorgensen Petroleum Maintenance, Inc., Evansville, Indiana, from affiliate division to distributor division


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Petroleum Equipment Institute
P. O. Box 2380
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The TulsaLetter (ISSN 0193-9467) is published two or three times each month by the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Robert N. Renkes, Executive Vice President, Editor. Opinions expressed are the opinions of the Editor. Basic circulation confined to PEI members.