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Identify Your Company With Spanish-Speaking Booth Staff

Will any Spanish speakers staff your booth during the 2021 PEI Convention at the NACS Show? There’s a sign for that. 


Request Your ESP Sign

As part of PEI’s Latin America initiative, the association will help attendees easily spot PEI member exhibitors who have Spanish speakers in their booths. The red conversation bubble with the letters “esp.” will be displayed in three prominent places:  

  1. Booths. PEI members with Spanish-speaking booth staff will receive a sign with the red “esp.” conversation bubble to display in their booths.
  2. Exhibitor Guide. The same red conversation bubble will appear alongside companies’ Exhibitor Guide listings in the on-site, Q4 PEI Journal.
  3. Floor Plan. Companies with Spanish-speaking booth staff will be identified with the red conversation bubble next to their name in the official floor plan distributed to all attendees on site.

As in the past, “Hablo español” ribbons will be available for attendee and exhibit booth badges.

Exhibiting PEI member companies that wish to highlight their Spanish-speaking booth staff with the new conversation bubble in Chicago must respond no later than Wednesday, July 28.
