Submitted by Kristen Wright on
Congratulations to PEI members who accepted their appointments to serve on PEI committees in 2018.
PEI committees serve the petroleum equipment industry and play a major role in developing PEI programs. Each year, the PEI president appoints individual PEI members to committees, each with a specific purpose to help the organization carry out its work. As committee members, these volunteers offer their time and professional expertise to shape how the association affects the overall membership and the fuel and liquid handling industry.
The Education & Convention Committee plans education programs for the convention, reviews industry surveys and makes recommendations to the board regarding the PEI convention.
- CHAIRMAN Ryan Rethmeier Western Pump Inc.
- Lisa Blassingame NOV Fiber Glass Systems
- Christine Blumberg SouthEastern Petroleum Systems Inc.
- Stephen Dixon P.B. Hoidale Co. Inc.
- Peter Kellogg PMP Corp.
- Jim Kerth Kubat Equipment & Service Co.
- Matthew Koziel Oscar W. Larson Co.
- Jay Ruth PumpTex Inc.
- Mark Scudder Meco of Atlanta Inc.
The Election Committee is established by the association’s bylaws. Composed of the three immediate past presidents of the association, the committee supervises board elections.
- CHAIRMAN Craig Hoyer Kubat Equipment & Service Co.
- Kevin McKinney McKinney Petroleum Equipment
- Steve Trabilsy Accurate Tank Technologies
The Executive Committee is established by the association’s constitution and is composed of the president, vice president, immediate past president and two members of the board of directors. The committee makes interim decisions on behalf of the board.
- CHAIRMAN Robert Peavey PumpTex Inc.
- Charles Burns Oscar W. Larson Co.
- Craig Hoyer Kubat Equipment & Service Co.
- Ron Sledd Beneficial Systems
- Mani Sundaram Double Check Co. Inc.
The Insurance Committee monitors the institute’s insurance programs.
- CHAIRMAN J. Stephen Hieber PWI Inc.
- Larry Gentry Newton Oil Co.
- John Hardin Hardin’s Pump & Compressor
- Fred Jones Westech Fuel Equip. Subsidiary of F.W. Jones & Associates
The PEI Women Committee develops plans for the PEI Women program and the annual PEI Women Spring Conference.
- CHAIRMAN Maggie Lawson McCon Building and Petroleum Services Inc.
- Lauren Arons Tanknology Inc.
- Liz Concannon Petroleum Card Services
- Alison Daughtry Robertson Loia Roof Architects & Engineers
- Lynn Israel-Wood Power Integrity Corp.
- Alex Perez Petroleum Solutions Inc.
- Tinamarie Smith JD2 Environmental Inc.
- Jenny Stevens Tuthill Transfer Systems
- Sandra Young Petroleum Processing Solutions
The Young Executives Committee develops plans for the PEI Young Executives program and the annual PEI Young Executives Winter Conference.
- CHAIRMAN Tony Hurd R.W. Mercer Co.
- Charlie Beck Meco Inc.
- Kirby Corkill Jarvis Lighting
- Bradley Crawford Oscar W. Larson Co.
- Tracy Emerson Petroleum Processing Solutions
- Kevin Endy Keystone Petroleum Equipment Ltd.
- Christopher Hagman E.O. Habhegger Co. Inc.
- April Indest Southern Tank Testers Inc.
- Nate Lawson McCon Building and Petroleum Services Inc.
- Joshua Long RDM Industrial Electronics Inc.
The Recommended Practices Committee is responsible for evaluating topics suggested by members for development into recommended practices. The committee includes the chairs of existing recommended practices committees.
- Joey Batchelor Guardian Fueling Technologies
- BJ Benton United Pump and Controls Inc.
- Steve Bernstein Jones & Frank
- Terry Cooper Acterra Group Inc.
- Roy Creley Lakes Region Environmental Contractors
- Paul Doyle Petroleum Marine Construction LLC
- Leland Freeman Petroleum Solutions Inc.
- J. Stephen Hieber PWI Inc.
- Brad Hoffman Tanknology Inc.
- Edward Kubinsky Crompco LLC
- Kirk Mercer R.W. Mercer Co.
- Jim O’Day O’Day Equipment LLC
- Phil Parker Don Parker Sales Inc.
- Alex Ralston Petcon Inc.
- Blair Shwedo SouthEastern Petroleum Systems Inc.
- Sonny Underwood Mid-South Steel Products Inc.
- Scott Zepp Consolidated Utilities Corp.
The Safety Committee plans safety programs and publications for use by PEI members to enhance public and workplace safety.
- CHAIRMAN Brian Hora Metco Inc.
- Peter Anstadt PWI Inc.
- Matthew Cutshall Sheetz Inc.
- Christopher Fasse B&T Service Station Contractors
- Ryan Harrigan Compliance Testing and Technology Inc.
- Blake Hess Oscar W. Larson Co.
- Stacy Irons United Rentals Trench Safety
- Thomas Ruga Spark Contractors
- Tim Thickstun Advanced Fuel Systems Inc.
The Strategic Long Range Planning Committee is composed of the president, vice president, treasurer and the three immediate past presidents. It develops long-range plans and objectives and advises the PEI board of directors. This committee also serves as the PEI Investment Committee.
- CHAIRMAN Craig Hoyer Kubat Equipment & Service Co.
- Charles Burns Oscar W. Larson Co.
- Bill Mascott Mascott Equipment Co. Inc.
- Kevin McKinney McKinney Petroleum Equipment
- Robert Peavey PumpTex Inc.
- Steve Trabilsy Accurate Tank Technologies