Submitted by Whitney Emerick on
Registration is now open for the PEI Women Conference, which will be held on April 25-27, 2017 in Savannah, Georgia and is a "conference must" for all women in the fuel equipment and services industry! New to this year's top-notch speaker lineup will be Diane Thielfoldt, Linda Larsen, and a panel discussion featuring the insights, perspectives and experiences of five extremely accomplished PEI Women members. Diane Thielfoldt is the co-founder of The Learning Café and will begin the conference education with a workshop on multi-generational communications, “A Guide to the Changing Workforce: Four Generations, One Workforce.” Linda Larsen, entrepreneur and best-selling author, also will lead several sessions, including “Playing to Win: It’s Not Your Mother’s Playground Anymore.” This presentation will illustrate the different ways men and women approach situations and how you can solve problems and strengthen your relationships with both male and female associates.
The panel discussion of PEI Women members will include:
Chris Blumberg, Vice President and General Manager, SouthEastern Petroleum Systems, Inc.
Paola Bravo, President and CEO, S. Bravo Systems Inc.
Marion Long, Executive Vice President, Walsh, Long & Company, Inc.
Joyce Rizzo, President, JD2 Environmental, Inc.
Ann Thomas, CEO, Petroleum Marketing Equipment.
The registration fee includes all sessions and materials, one lunch, two receptions and two dinners.The nonmember registration fee also includes a lifetime PEI Women membership. Register online or view more information.