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Connect: The PEI Mentoring Program

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PEI Connect is a result of members' vision for new ways to foster professional relationships. Connect works two ways.

  1. The first way allows any PEI member to share his or her industry knowledge and experience by becoming a mentor to another PEI member.
  2. The second way allows a PEI member to become a mentee, someone who wants to learn from another PEI member.

Connect sets up that professional relationship to occur through specific skills, abilities or industries. What might you gain through becoming a mentor or mentee?  

What is Mentoring?
Mentoring is a developmental relationship through which a “mentor” shares his or her knowledge, skills and perspective with a “mentee,” who gains personally and professionally. Both people must commit time and effort to meet their goals. The relationship creates an opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem solving. In addition, mentoring empowers mentors and mentees to learn about the things that are most relevant to them.

Mission Statement
The mission of PEI Connect is to offer association members an opportunity to maximize their personal and career potential through deep and trusting professional relationships.

Vision Statement
PEI Connect envisions an association-based initiative in which less experienced members may develop one-on-one relationships with more experienced members to learn about the industry, develop business skills and set other individualized career goals. Collectively, the program will expand the knowledge base in the industry, improve business relationships and create opportunities for greater participation in and service to PEI and the industry.