A Networking Opportunity
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Mission Statement: To provide women in the fuel equipment and services industry with programs and resources that address the challenges unique to women in the industry in order to help them grow personally and professionally, and to contribute to their organizations' success.
The PEI Women Program is designed to provide women in the industry an opportunity to connect. To be eligible to join, you must be a female and be: an employee of a PEI member company, a member of PEI's Operations & Engineering Division, work for the government in a regulatory or other role, or be part of an industry-related association.
Every PEI Women member receives a print subscription of the PEI Journal as a membership benefit. The one-time membership fee is $100. This membership is active through the member company and is nontransferable.
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View the members of the PEI Women Committee.
Questions? Contact Sarah West at swest@pei.org.
Join the PEI Women LinkedIn Group and the PEI Women Facebook Group (note: you must be a member of PEI Women to join).