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Visual Identities (Logos)

PEI® and the PEI mark are registered trademarks of the Petroleum Equipment Institute. Images are provided for PEI members and their agents, and must be used in accordance with PEI's Visual Identity Usage Standards. Reproduction without permission or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Please contact us for details on PEI's Visual Identity Policy or any use of the PEI logo you feel is inappropriate.  

Visual identities (logos) are available in several formats. Download the GIF image for use on websites or email within the PEI Visual Identity Policy parameters. For your convenience, we have also provided a zip file containing high-resolution and vector images for use in print or graphic design.

Tip: Do not link directly to these images. Right-click the link or image to download a copy — just choose choose Save or Save As...


PEI Logo: 



PEI Member Logo:



PEI Logo The Leading Authority: 



Priority Club Gold Logo:



Priority Club Silver Logo:



Priority Club Bronze Logo:


PEI Women Logo 

PEI Women Logo: 


PEI YE Logo 

PEI YE Logo: 



Stop Static Logo:


Visual Identity (Logo) Usage Standards:

To protect the integrity of the Petroleum Equipment Institute name, logo or any other visual representation, usage standards have been established. Follow these requirements when displaying any of the PEI visual identities (logos). If you need to deviate from these standards or view the Visual Identity Policy (intended marketing usage), please contact Melinda Whitney at for permission.

The correct colors to be used are: 

  • Black- Process Black- RGB: #000000
  • Red- PMS 186- RGB: #E41E37
  • Gray- RGB: #CCCCCC 


Single color can be used only if all black or all white. Other colors are not acceptable. It is also acceptable to reproduce the logo in grayscale if black or white will not work in a certain setting.

General Guidelines:
Always display the name and logo in a positive manner. Use of the name and/or logo may not depict PEI in any negative way. Nor may the name or logo be used in any way that might reasonably be interpreted as an endorsement by PEI of a particular company, product, program or service when such is not the case. Nor may the name or logo be used in any way that might reasonably be interpreted as suggesting or implying a business relationship between PEI and another company, organization or person when such is not the case.

Reproduce the logo from an approved electronic file (available on the PEI website).

Use the logo as it exists; do not alter the logo in any way, including altering the font, shape, color or proportions of the logo.