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Thank You To The 2021 Find Red Volunteers

Shannon Dulaney, RDM Industrial Electronics Inc.

Jason Mattinson, Riverside Steel

Brad Crawford, JF Petroleum Group

Kevin Winchenbach, RDM Industrial Electronics, Inc.

Dalton Scoles, RDM Industrial Electronics, Inc.

Jon Kelly, Titan Cloud Software

Justin Whitfield, Titan Cloud Software

Jody Porter, E. O. Habhegger Co, Inc

Duane Grippe, TFC Canopy

Micah Nelson, S. Bravo Systems

Brad Hoffman, Tanknology

Ben Thomas, UST Training

Peter Hojnowski, EO Habhegger

Brent Ruga, Spark Contractors

Jon Marinas, Titan Cloud Software

Chris Monroe, Monroe & Monroe Insurance Agency Ltd.

Tina Herschbach, Walsh Long

Lynn Israel-Wood, Pneumercator Co.

Greg Hockman, Hockman-Lewis Limited 

Ted Tiberi, ARID Technologies, Inc.

Jose Gabriel Fonseca Mora, Fommor S.A.

Mark Bennett, Stenstrom Petroleum Services

Christopher Fasse, B & T Service Station Contractors 

Dave Fenton, ROMAC Services Inc. 

Kimberly DePaola, Windy City Wire

Cara Panares, W. Capra Consulting Group, Inc. 

Jorge Ballesteros A., Surtidores S.A.C.

César Muñoz, Innovatec-IC SpA
