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2022 PEI Board of Directors Election Update

PEI announces five new Directors and two runoff elections!

Kaileigh Srizzi, EsqSales Engineer, Collins Equipment Corp. of Cleveland, Ohio will represent District 4 on the Petroleum Equipment Institute’s Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 term of office.  

Nate Meyer, Director of Sales & Construction, Stenstrom Petroleum Service Group of Rockford, Illinois will represent District 6 on the Petroleum Equipment Institute’s Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 term of office. He was unopposed for the position. 

Brian Derge, Chief Operating Officer, Tanknology Inc. of Austin, Texas will represent District 8 on the Petroleum Equipment Institute's Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 term of office. He was unopposed for the position. 

Mike Davis, Vice President, Sales, PMP Corporation of Avon, Connecticut will represent District 10 on the Petroleum Equipment Institute's Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 term of office. 

Mike Lattner, Director of Business Development, Morrison Bros. Co. of Dubuque, Iowa will represent District 12 on the Petroleum Equipment Institute's Board of Directors for the 2022-2024 term of office. 

District 2 and the Affiliate Division have resulted in runoff elections.  Buddy Bayliss, B C & C, LLC and Jody Porter, E.O. Habhegger Co., Inc. are the candidates for the District 2 Runoff.  Eric Hammer, Tait Environmental Services and Patrick McDermott, Boston-McDermott LLC are the candidates for the Affiliate Division Runoff.

Results of the runoff election will be announced Friday, August 26th.
